Hansika Suru from 


After four years of waiting and deciding on what to do next, Hansika Suru has decided to pursue a business path in life. “I am going to pursue a career in business, more specifically finance. However, I would also like to learn more about marketing and international business in college as well. After college, I hope to go to business school and after that become a CPA or a hedge fund manager.”

Suru says she grew up watching her grandparents run their own businesses and that's what instilled the fire in her heart: “I’ve always been interested in starting my own business or being part of the business field since I was younger. I grew up watching my grandparents operate and manage their own businesses.” After college and in ten years, Suru sees herself running her own business.

The transition from high school to college is always a scary one, but Suru is more than excited to start this new chapter. She shared, “ I am excited to go to college to make new memories and friends, but I will miss all of the close friends I’ve made at Aurora throughout the years.” Her favorite memories were from her junior year when she hung out with her friends and got to enjoy her time. 

Within Aurora, we have tons of amazing teachers who inspire kids every day, but Suru says Mrs.Mckenzie was the most influential to her. “Mrs. McKenzie is the staff member that impacted me the most. I took a business management course and I learned more about business and decided that it was what I wanted to do in my future. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in finance, but the business management course made me realize that I was interested in Marketing too.” 

This senior's advice to underclassmen reminds us to be adventurous! “My advice to the underclassmen is don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! If you spend your whole life being afraid then you won’t be able to create new memories.” Suru reminds us to look for the best and as her favorite Winnie The Pooh character, Eeyore, says, “It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.” Be like Hansika and Eeyore and look for the sunshine!

By Maddie Lancon