Nora Abbass: 

Future Hoosier

Senior Nora Abbass plans to study business at the University of Indiana. While unsure of what she wants to do in the future, she decided to major in business as a safe option. In light of graduation soon approaching, Nora says: “I’m super excited to graduate but also stressed to go into the real world, and I will miss my family and friends.” 

Nora's favorite memories in high school are attending the Friday night football games and cheering on the Greenmen, “specifically, the time Aurora beat Highland for the suburban league championship.” 

The teacher who impacted Nora the most was Mrs. Duncan: “I had the pleasure of having her for my junior and senior years. Every day she greets me with a smiling face and radiates positivity. She pushes me to try my best and started my love for math.”

“Have a proper balance between school and social life. Don't spend high school stressing about grades every day and make sure you are still living your life” is Nora's advice to underclassmen. 

In 10 years, Nora sees herself graduating from grad school, married, and owning a dog. She hopes to have a job that she enjoys even though she doesn't know exactly what that job will be yet. 

Nora's final message before graduation is to enjoy these four years that you will never get back. She channels Jennifer Aniston for her senior quote: 

“There are no regrets in life. Just lessons.”

By: Charlotte Varkala