Brooke Kotora: New Bearcat

Brooke Kotora is a 2024 graduate and she’ll be attending The University of Cincinnati this fall. Brooke will be studying accounting and hopes to get both her bachelor's degree and MBA (Master of Business Administration degree) in accounting. 

When it comes to her passions and interests, Brooke has a few: “My interests are spending time with my friends and family of course. I also love working and getting to know my coworkers. I love going for late night walks or hikes.” Along with that, Brooke also explains that as a goal for herself, she hopes to find the best version of herself: “My goal in life is to just balance life to create the best version of myself.” 

Looking back on high school, Brooke says that her favorite memory would have to be the Friday night football games. She also explains that Mrs. Hilston has impacted her the most: “Mrs. Hilston has impacted me the most as a student because of her caring approach and want for my best.”

When it comes to graduation, Brooke seems to be thrilled, and ready for it: “I cannot wait to graduate and create my own life while attending college.” 

Brooke wants underclassmen to know, “Do not take everything people say to heart.” 

In ten years, Brooke sees herself being an achiever: “[In ten years I see myself as] a successful woman accountant working for a successful firm. I want to create the best life for myself.” 

Brooke’s final message is, “It’s time to move on in life.” And her senior quote is, “Wow! I’m glad that’s over!”

Written by: Maddie Mink