Student Council

Ever been curious on how AHS’ awesome homecoming comes to fruition? Or how the food and blood drives are organized? Or how new events come to the surface for the school? Student Council!

Student Council, or STUCO, works to organize social events and community projects, along with raising funds for various things around the school and town. Other than the aforementioned homecoming and drives, some other activities that happen from the work of STUCO would be t-shirt sales, class competitions, spirit weeks, and many more!

Yours truly is actually an officer in this club, accompanied by seniors Thomas Sobodosh, Ollie Salgado, Hannah Salgado, and Dmitry Volf. My title is the Public Relation’s Officer. I run our social media accounts to promote our activities. In my opinion, I think that the Student Council is one of the best and the biggest clubs in the school. We run so many of the activities that go on to keep our student body happy. 

President Thomas Sobodosh gives a tidbit on Student Council. He was inspired to run for president because “[he] thought getting involved was fun and gave [him] something to do.” The inclusivity within the club is something that he loves, making him enjoy being a major part of the club. 

4 teacher class advisors run the club alongside the officers. Junior advisor Michelle Dirda adds, “My favorite thing is the difference we make within the school and community, [as well as] watching young people take leadership roles and [having] success.” 

Junior Harrison Mullin, a current 3 year member of student council as well as the president of his class, chimes in. “The club gives students an opportunity to have a voice within the school.” He is very active in the club, explaining how awesome planning school dances is. “I love figuring out spirit week, decorating the hallways, and then going to the dance!” 

The club typically meets every Wednesday after school in the auditorium. Meetings are normally around 10 minutes, only going over if big events are happening. If you’d like to join, it’s a great club (and great on college applications)! There is no specific date necessary to become an official member, so come whenever! Stay updated on our social media: instagram - @aurora_student_council :)

The Student Council has been greatly influential to the events that go on in our school and the student body that attends them. This notable club is undoubtedly one each student should check off their club bucket list.

Written by Ava McGovern