Sanjay Mahadevan: Onto the Next A-Town

2024 graduate, Sanjay Mahadevan, plans on attending the University of Akron while majoring in Biology. Sanjay’s goal is to become a doctor: “I plan to become a doctor and, therefore, am going on a pre-med track.” Sanjay is interested in this because he’s always had a passion for sciences, and for helping others: “I am interested in this because science, especially biology, has always been my passion. I really like the idea of helping people because I believe that helping people will help me become a better person. This, combined with my passion for pursuing science, would be perfect for me.” 

Regarding all the emotions that come with graduation, Sanjay is happy but other emotions follow through: “I am really happy but also sad and nervous at the same time. High school has been a time for me to make new friendships and enjoy time, but it is also important for me to embrace the future.” 

Looking back on his time at Aurora High School, Sanjay exclaims that prom, along with football games, holds some of his favorite memories: “I definitely enjoyed hanging out with all of my friends and it was just a really great time all together. Other than prom, just going to football games was also really fun.” 

When it comes to a teacher, Doc Munson has impacted Sanjay the most: “He taught me to be more independent, and through his class, I understood that I had to work hard in order to achieve success. I have also learned from experiences that working hard is better than hardly working.” 

In ten years, Sanjay hopes to see himself following his dreams, with a family, while still wishing the best for his peers: “...I envision myself as a doctor, with a stable and happy family. I hope to see everyone else be successful as well.”

For underclassmen, Sanjay wants to share this piece of advice that has also helped him: “Underclassmen, my number one advice for you is to lead an organized life. It’s important to know when to enjoy life and when to work hard. Success comes from hard work, but life cannot be all about work. Therefore, it’s crucial to learn how to manage your life effectively.” 

Sanjay wants to leave with this final message: “Enjoy high school because it is a key part of your life. Study and work hard towards your success.” His senior quote is: “Time moves fast, so one will not know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory, so cherish it well.” 

Written by: Maddie Mink