Meet the Girls Club Lacrosse Team!

Over the past year, AHS has started to welcome lacrosse as a sport option for students. After starting with open practices during the 2022-2023 school year, Aurora has decided to make lacrosse an official club this year. Regarding the team itself, girls from almost every grade level in the high school (freshmen, sophomores, and juniors) have decided to play. In hopes of it becoming a varsity sport next year, all the girls on the team have tried extremely hard when it comes to improving their skill sets. 

The coach of the team, Megan Kozar, is a former lacrosse player at Kent State. Kozar started playing for a lacrosse team when she was in sixth grade, but her passion for the game started long before that: “ older brother and cousins would often take me to our local park to play lacrosse. This is when I started developing a love for the game.” Furthering the point, Kozar explains that she’s always had a love for team sports, and when she was a little kid, she wanted to try lacrosse: “I have always loved team sports. From a young age, I found the most joy in accomplishing something alongside a unified group. Additionally, I've always had a strong competitive nature and desire to play sports. In my hometown of Upper Arlington Ohio, lacrosse is a booming sport. It has massive popularity in the area and developed a strong youth program in which all my friends were playing. I wanted to play every sport out there so of course I joined lacrosse as well!”

Kozar found out about the lacrosse program through her coach at KSU and Mrs. Janzig, the lacrosse coordinator. Kozar explains that Janzig reached out to her, and she knew it would be a great fit: “After Mrs. Janzig reached out to me about the possibility of coaching Aurora's first-ever lacrosse team, it couldn't have felt like a better fit. I had dedicated my four years of college lacrosse to building a program in its first year. Kent State's inaugural season was also my freshman year on the team. It was certainly an uphill battle but also the most rewarding experience. I wanted to be a part of a similar experience for the lacrosse players here in Aurora. Building a program is something special to be a part of and a rare opportunity to come by.” 

When it comes to how the team has impacted Kozar, she explains that she’s felt a lot of motivation from all of the girls: “This team has really given me so much motivation. I am inspired daily by each player and the amazing unique qualities they bring to the group. The team has given me a chance to tap back into my love for building a program from the ground up. I am proud to be a part of the program and even more proud to know each player.” Kozar also explains how she feels about the team, “This team is an incredible display of the power of growth mindsets and positive team culture building. Taking on a new sport and playing competitive games in such a short amount of time would be a difficult task for anyone. This team shows resilience, dedication, and positivity like I have never seen before. They are all truly each other's biggest fans. They can also make any situation fun and full of laughter.” 

Kozar’s favorite memory of the team thus far occurred after the first game: “My favorite memory so far has been seeing the team’s excitement after our first game.” 

When it comes to advice, Kozar wants the team, along with future players, to know this: “Go for it! This is a sport in which many players are starting without any experience. Everyone is learning together and it is the perfect time to join in on the fun. Just showing up and giving it a try will be a great experience for anyone. You never know, you may fall in love with the sport like so many others!” In regards to the rest of the season, Kozar exclaims her excitement, “I am excited for many things! I am excited for the continual growth for each individual player and for the team as a whole. I am excited to make more memories and make more history!” 

Now, let’s meet the team and see how they feel about the sport!

Lylah Micatrotto is a freshman at AHS, she’s number one on the team, and it’s her first year playing lacrosse! She decided to take on the sport because “...I wanted to try something new and I decided to sign up.” Lylah feels that not only herself, but the rest of the team has improved since the beginning of the season: “I think not just me, but the rest of the team has gotten a lot better, considering the fact that almost all of us had little to no experience with lacrosse.” She also feels that the team is very supportive of each other: “I think we have a pretty good team. We all support each other and no one puts anyone down.” Lylah’s favorite memory with the team so far has been when they all went to Cane’s after the first game: “Going to Cane’s as a team. That was so much fun!” She wants to spread this advice to newcomers: “Don’t be scared to join. We don’t know a lot of what we’re doing because we’re all new.” When it comes to how the team has impacted Lylah, she feels as though they’ve given her more motivation: “The team has definitely made me feel more motivated.” Regarding the rest of the season, Lylah is excited for improvement, and being with the team: “[I’m most excited for] improving and getting closer with everyone on the team.” 

Lyla Lukasik is a freshman at AHS, she’s number two on the team, and she started playing lacrosse about a year ago! Since the start of the season, Lyla thinks that she’s grown as a player: “I’ve learned more about the game, so I do think I’ve progressed a lot.” When it comes to the team, Lyla is thankful for the bond they all share: “Our team gets along really well, which is good because it gives us a stabilized team.” Lyla’s favorite memory from the season would be not only the team’s first game but also the Kent State University game, which the team went to together. Lyla offers this advice to future players: “...a lot of people probably don’t find interest in this at all, but neither did I until I started playing. I really think people should get out there and play it just to see if they like it or not.” Lyla feels that the team has impacted her as an individual because of the positivity being spread: “No one on the team ever doubts anyone, which can make everyone feel good about themselves.” In the future, Lyla is excited for the team to improve together, and to hopefully win a game!

Nikki Antonelli is a sophomore at AHS, she’s number three on the team, and she started playing lacrosse a little bit over a month ago! Nikki feels that since her first day, she’s definitely gotten better. As a whole, Nikki feels as though the team has definitely improved: “We have all grown together. We all had just started at the same time and we all came far when it comes to our friendships with each other.” Nikki’s favorite memory from this season so far has been when her teammate, Iris Smith, scored the team’s first goal, ever: “When Iris scored the first goal our entire team stopped and cheered.” Nikki wants future players to know this: “Just go do it. I never thought once in my life that I’d be playing lacrosse, and now I love it so much. It doesn’t matter what others say, it’s so fun.” When it comes to how the team has impacted Nikki as a person, she feels as though it’s made her feel better about herself: “I look forward to going to practice every day. It makes me feel better about myself. I know I won’t be judged by them.” Regarding the rest of the season, here’s what Nikki is most excited about: “Definitely the bus rides!”

As for me, my name is Maddie Mink. I’m a sophomore, I’m number seven on the team, and I started playing lacrosse this year! I definitely think that I’ve improved as a player since the start of the season. In the beginning, I wasn’t able to catch the ball, and now I’m able to not only run with it but pass it as well. When thinking about the team’s improvement, I am able to say that as a whole we’ve improved so much. We work together, and we really make sure that at the end of the day, we perform well, while also having a good time. My favorite memory from the season so far would be the day of our first game. We were all so nervous, but as soon as we were together we had the best time. Despite our rough loss, we made it a great experience! Advice that I’d want to spread would be to just try it, because if you don’t you’ll never know if you’d like the sport or not. It’s better to take the risk rather than lose the chance. When thinking about the team, all I can say is that they are such an amazing group of people. I’ve met some of my best friends, and they’re always extremely supportive. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to go through this experience with. For the rest of the season, I am mostly excited for more games with the team. However, I’m excited for any experience! 

Grace Hohman is a sophomore at AHS, she’s number ten on the team, and this is her first year playing lacrosse! Regarding the beginning of the season, Grace feels that she has improved as a player: “I think I have come a long way from not knowing much of anything to playing games. We get a little better every practice.” After thinking about the team, Grace has a lot of kind things to say: “I love our team. The dynamic is great. We are always there for each other and problem-solve the best we can. I think we have a special bond because we are the first Aurora Lacrosse team and we are all learning together. The team is very supportive and encouraging. Our team is really close and we have so much fun at practice and games. This wouldn't have been possible if we didn't have such a great Coach. I know we are all so grateful to have Coach Kozar and to spend time together every day.” When it comes to her favorite memory, Grace explains that the first game has a special place in her heart: “After our first game, we rode the bus home and we sang so loud. Even though we lost, everyone was having the best time. We all went to Cane’s after and talked for so long. Everyone will know where our team is because wherever we go, we are always loud!” For newcomers, Grace wants to give them this piece of advice: “...if you're interested, just give it a try. It's not too late to come and try lacrosse. We are still looking for people to join and would love it if you did.” When it comes to advice for her teammates, she wants them to keep this in mind: “I would tell teammates to not get too hard on themselves because we are all learning together.” Grace feels as though the team has impacted her for the better: “It has taught me to work with other people, show patience and be encouraging to others when they aren’t to themselves. I’m so glad I joined the team. I’ve made many new friendships as well.” Grace is excited for the rest of the season, and explains that there are more game days to look forward to: “I’m always pumped for game day! I can’t wait to celebrate as a team after our first win and sing karaoke on the bus ride home from every game.” 

Courtney Vince is a freshman, she’s number eleven on the team, and this is her first year playing lacrosse! Courtney feels that she’s improved since the beginning of the season: “Most definitely. I couldn’t even catch the ball when we started.” When it comes to the team, Courtney appreciates the relationship and bond: ‘I think that since we have such few girls on our team, we are all very close with each other. I feel like our team bond is extremely strong.” Her favorite memory from the season so far was when teammate, Iris Smith, scored the team’s first goal. Courtney wants new players to remember this advice: “Have a lot of fun as long as you’re trying your best.” Regarding the team, Courtney explained that the team has made her extremely happy: “The friendships I have formed on the team have made me unimaginably happy. The support and love from our team has helped me get through the end of this school year.” Courtney shares her excitement for the rest of the season by sharing that she’s excited for more games, and hopes to bring home a win. 

Kennedy Wisniewski is a freshman at AHS, she’s number thirteen on the team, and this is her first year playing lacrosse! After remembering about the beginning of the season, Kennedy feels as though she’s definitely improved as a player: “I think I’ve gotten a lot better thanks to Coach Kozar and my teammates. I do think we all got really good and [we] continue to make better progress as we attend more games and practices.” With regards to the team, Kennedy feels as though they have a really special bond: “Our bond is incredible and I really love our team.” Kennedy’s favorite memory from the season has been practices and game days: “Messing around at practice and getting hyped for the games on the buses.” She also wants upcoming players to keep this advice in the back of their minds: “Don’t be hard on yourself, and have fun.” Kennedy feels that the team has impacted her, better than she could have imagined: “I really do think they’ve made me a better person. They have made me more confident and made me not care what others think and to just have fun!” Kennedy says that she’s excited for the rest of the season because of the upcoming games: “I’m excited for our upcoming games, hoping for a win soon! And, I’m excited to hang out with our team and make memories with them inside and outside of lacrosse.”

Iris Smith is a junior at AHS, she’s number sixteen on the team, and she’s been playing lacrosse for close to a year! Iris feels that she has improved since the beginning of the lacrosse season: “I think I have progressed a lot, and am growing my skills more and more as we go on.” Iris shares her thoughts on the team by explaining how positive the environment is: “Our team is like a family. There is no drama and we are all friends. I couldn’t ask for a better team or coach, they really make me enjoy coming to practice every day and also look forward to practice, and playing my sport! We are all also extremely supportive and have a great time, even when not succeeding.” Iris’s favorite memory from the season was when she scored the first goal: “When I scored the first goal ever, and having my team there with me and being so amazing.” Iris also wants new players to know and remember this piece of advice: “I would say roll with it! Just like one of our team mottos! You shouldn’t have any fear about joining [the team]. Just think none of us have ever played before and we are doing so great as a team!” Iris feels as though the team has impacted her in a positive way: “This team has impacted me majorly. It’s made me get the experience to feel what a benign team leader is like. It has also given me many, many, new friendships, which I cherish. When it comes to the rest of the season, Iris is looking forward to games, but also team growth: “I am mainly excited for our games, growing as a team, and finally getting a win!” 

Raquel Bailey is a junior, she’s number seventeen on the team, and this is her first year playing lacrosse! Raquel feels that she’s improved throughout the season: “I think I’m doing really well. I was worried at first because I wasn’t sure if I’d get the hang of the game, but I think I caught on great and have made myself useful to the team.” She also feels that the team itself has a great bond: “I really like how everyone has a good bond and friendship with each other. At first, I hardly knew anyone from the team, but everyone gets along really well and no one is left out.” Out of all the amazing memories the team has made together, one in particular sticks out to Raquel: “...going to Cane’s in Streetsboro after our first game. Even though we lost, it was the most fun I’d had in a while.” When it comes to newcomers who may join the sport, Raquel wants to give them this piece of advice: “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Sports are hard and require work, dedication, and patience. Everyone starts new and nothing will be perfect the first time around. Failure is a part of the process.” Raquel also explains how the sport itself has impacted her as a person: “I think lacrosse made me become more patient. Because we [the team] are all new to the sport, things don’t always go smoothly, and it forced me to slow down and accept things as they happen.” When thinking about the rest of the season, Raquel’s main excitement is the future games the team has: “I’m honestly excited for more games. Even the process of meeting up and getting on the bus is fun because we all get excited together.”

True Baab is a freshman, she’s number twenty-one on the team, and this is her first time playing lacrosse! True feels that since the beginning of the season, she’s improved: “I think I have gotten a lot better.” As for the team, True is very appreciative of the bond they’ve created: “Our team bond has been one of the closest [bonds] in any team that I’ve been in.” True’s favorite memory from the season so far is when her teammate, Iris Smith, scored the first goal. For students who may be interested in playing, True wants them to keep this in mind: “Even if you haven’t played the game, give it a shot and you will get better. At the beginning of the year, I didn’t even know how to catch a ball!” When it comes to the team, True feels that they’ve definitely impacted her: “They’ve made me very happy!” After thinking about the rest of the season, True is excited about just being with the team in general: “I really enjoy the times when we are hanging out as a team and having fun. For example, when we went to Kent we did fun activities together, and it was just fun.” 

Lexi Zuelch is a freshman, she’s number twenty-four on the team, and this is Lexi’s first year playing lacrosse! Lexi feels as though throughout the season, she’s definitely made progress: “I think I have made a lot of progress from not being able to catch the ball to being able to shoot and run with the ball.” When it comes to the team, Lexi feels that the bond between them is very strong: “Our team bond is really good. We are gonna become a really good team soon!” Lexi also shares that like many others, her favorite memory thus far was when her fellow teammate, Iris Smith, scored the first goal. When it comes to newcomers, Lexi wants to share this piece of advice: “It is so so fun. Just roll with it!” Lexi feels that the team has definitely impacted her: “I not only feel wanted but also accepted.” When thinking about the rest of the season, Lexi shares what she’s most excited about: “Improving, games, and the bus rides [that are] coming up. Also cannot forget braiding people’s hair!” 

Liliana Tomasko is a junior, is number twenty-five on the team, and this is her second year playing lacrosse! Liliana’s position on the team is goalie, and she feels as though she’s definitely improved: “I think I’ve gotten much better, but goalie is mostly just building a habit.” Regarding the team, Liliana has a lot of love for them: “I love the team so much. Everyone is so nice and supportive of each other. I also think everyone understands that we are here to get better but to also have fun.” Liliana’s favorite memory with the team was the Kent State Lacrosse game that they all attended. Advice that Liliana wants to spread to the newcomers would be to try the sport: “Don’t be afraid of trying it. Everyone is so nice and is always there for each other. Some people might be intimidated if they don’t think they’re good enough, but everyone starts somewhere and our coach is the best! She will 100% help you get better.” When it comes to the sport, Liliana shares that it’s definitely impacted her: “It’s helped me meet more people and also learn to balance my time better.” For the rest of the season, Liliana is excited about games with the team! 

Overall, the lacrosse team is looking forward to the rest of the season! The girls’ next game will be located at Canfield, on April 29th at 6:00. Hopefully they’ll catch you there! Below are links to the Instagram and the schedule! Below are links to the Instagram and the schedule, along with photos of the team (All photos are provided by Lydia Abbuhl, Gabby Greenburg, and our supporters who have attended games!) 

Instagram Link // Schedule Link