Kassidy Fry

Kassidy Fry is ready to switch from being an Aurora Greenman to a Cincinnati Bearcat! Coming this fall, Kassidy will be attending the University of Cincinnati and majoring in Pre-Physical Therapy. Kassidy says, “Both of my parents went to U.C. and I love the campus atmosphere.” 

Along with that, Kassidy says that she chose Pre-Physical Therapy because it combines many of her passions: “I chose Pre-PT because I am combining my love for math and science along with my passion for sports and helping others.” 

Regarding graduation, Kassidy exclaims that although she’s excited, she’s going to miss her friends: “I am excited to move on to the next chapter of my life, but I am going to miss my underclassmen friends and all the memories I made here.” 

Out of all the staff members at AHS, Kassidy says that Mrs. Taylor impacted her the most: “...she reminded me of my love of reading through Popular Literature class and made me feel welcomed in her classroom at any time.”

Kassidy wants underclassmen to know that they should do what makes them happy: “...don’t let the little things bother you because in the future they won’t matter, do what makes you happy.”

In 10 years, Kassidy hopes to see herself working as a Physical Therapist with a family: “I see myself working as a PT, hopefully for a professional sports team, while coming home to a happy family.” 

Kassidy's final message as she graduates is: “Time does go by so quickly, so make sure you cherish the special moments.” With that, her senior quote is from Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” 

Written by: Maddie Mink