Newest Incoming Pilot: Nina Newkirk

Senior, Nina Newkirk, is flying her way into the future! Newkirk explains that she’s always had a passion for flying: “I’ve wanted to be a pilot for a long time, I love the lifestyle and everything that goes into the career.” 

Nina also is excited about graduation and ready to start the next era of her life. She says that in 2034 she can see herself as a commercial pilot while owning both her dream car and dream house.

Although she’s excited to move on in her life, she claims that her favorite high school memory would be the football games: “It’s always so fun to dress up and go to all the games!” She also explains that her favorite teacher through her high school years has been Ms. Hilston: “Her energy and excitement every day made it better going to school! She was always so kind, caring, and helpful, and her class was one of the best I have been in all through high school.”

Nina leaves underclassmen with this advice: “ your own life, work hard in school, play the sports you want or don’t play a sport, and don’t care what other people think about you because once you graduate you can live your own life!” Along with that, she thanks everyone who has helped her through her last 12 years at Aurora. 

Her senior quote is: “We made it” - Drake 

Written By:  Maddie Mink