Aidan Wetzel looks forward to a future as a Bobcat

Senior at Aurora High School, Aidan Wetzel is gearing up for graduation as he looks forward to his future at Ohio University to study political science. The reason behind this field of study for Aidan stems from his love for government. Aidan reveals that "Government was the only thing I really liked learning in high school. It is an ever-changing conversation, a battle of worldview and ethics, whereas subjects like math and science don’t have that appeal for me." Additionally, Aidan hopes to endeavor in the teaching field down the road as well. 

Reflecting on his time at AHS and looking forward to life after graduation, Aidan says, "I am very excited to graduate, I cannot wait to start this new stage of life." Looking back on his time at AHS some of his favorite memories attached to school are when "me and my friends went to Denny’s during finals week."  

When asked about the teacher who made the most impact on Aidan's high school career, he says that Ms. Hislton made the most impact on him. Aidan says, "She encouraged me to become a better speaker, writer, and a better person. She has put in extra time to ensure that I succeed and I cannot thank her enough for that. She is super passionate about her job and I could definitely see myself crediting her if I were to teach."  

Aidan's best piece of advice for underclassmen is "Be yourself and never let anyone tell you otherwise!" Consequently, the best piece of advice that Aidan has ever received was a humourous statement from his uncle, “you have two ears and one mouth, use them to that ratio." 

Ten years from now Aidan hopes to find comfort in a job in a "niche political science field." In addition to this job, Aidan wants to endeavor in teaching drum lessons. Aidan states optimistically, "I want to keep learning new things and exploring what life has to offer!" 

For his last message before leaving AHS, Aidan wants to offer his thank yous. Aidan states, "AHS has given me and my parents endless opportunities, and I am beyond thankful for this positive learning environment. Despite my complaining and itching to leave the Greenhouse, I hope dearly that what Aurora has done for me can reflect onto my sister and future generations to come! Go Bobcats!" 

For his senior quote: “I feel like I could be Batman. 

I feel like you could be Batman.

Anyone could be Batman, 

You just got to get the gadgets.”

-Ken Carson

By: Harison Mullin