Why everyone should see Elf in theaters

As the years have gone on, the magic of Christmas has slowly dissipated for everyone. Younger children aren’t feeling it the way they’re supposed to; phone screens have taken their eyes away from the trees and elves and their minds away from Santa and the nice list. The holidays are meant for time spent with loved ones…not time for scrolling aimlessly through TikTok. The question of the decade is how to get back to that magical feeling. While we might never know for sure, there is one definite place to start: more time with family. 

Whether it be at home or in their local Cinemark, watching movies is an easy way to bond and enjoy yourself. Typically, seeing a movie in your preferred location wouldn’t matter. This year is a little different. In 2003, when the magic of Christmas still lingered in the air, a new Christmas movie came out starring Will Ferrell - Elf. For its 20th anniversary, this motion picture is coming out in theaters again. Many have found no point in spending the money on tickets and overpriced foods. However, dropping a couple of bucks might be worth it. 

To begin, the #1 rule of movie theaters is no phones. The purpose of having no distractions is more important than a smooth movie watch. By keeping screens away, you get to share genuine laughs, tears and screams with the people you love. This alone works wonders for an amazing experience. 

Movie theaters are designed to encapsulate both your body and your mind in the movie. From the dark rooms to the comfy chairs to the big screen, it serves to take you away from the real world and into the realm of your movie. In this case, it is taking you to the North Pole, and then to a Christmas-filled New York City. Being put into a world where Christmas is the only thing on everyone’s mind will in turn do the same thing for your mind, as well as the minds of those around you. 

Since streaming services have become so popular, the whole “going out to the movies” has climbed its way down the charts. Children haven’t had the chance to have huge cups filled with slushies or have butter all over their fingers from the popcorn. Giving them--and yourselves--a new experience is not only valuable to their minds but also to their hearts. Reminding them of all the different things that go on in the world outside of their 10-inch screen is incredibly important. On top of that, you’re adding on a movie about a human elf that travels to the Big Apple and is played by an accomplished, humorous actor. 

Once the movie is over, people have a car ride home. While some might revert to their devices, many will be eager to talk about the movie. Even though Elf may have already been watched, seeing it in the theaters makes it feel like a new movie. 

All in all, there is so much value in seeing this movie in theaters. Reigniting the magic of Christmas within the hearts of all who watch it, along with spending time with loved ones, should serve as a priority on everyone’s to-do list this year. 

For those in 44202, Macedonia has a few showings. Carve out some time in our (short) winter break to see it. 

This Christmas season, go see Elf in theaters with your friends and family. It will have everyone saying “I love you, I love you, I love youuuu!” to Christmas and each other all over again. 

Written by Ava McGovern