Maxwell Thalls

By: Shane Siddall

Senior Maxwell (Max) Thalls will be attending the University of Cincinnati to study electrical engineering this fall, advancing the reputation of the greenmen in the field of engineering.  With Max’s analytical nature and astounding expertise for engineering, I have no doubt that he will go far in his field. 

When I asked Max why this field was of particular interest to him, and why in this school in specific he proudly responded, “Both of my parents went there for engineering degrees and they have great engineering majors and an amazing coop program.” With another Thalls walking the halls of that university they will undoubtedly be better for it. 

You can be the best in your field, the absolute best, but there is no doubt that graduation is a very scary thing. When pressed for an answer Max said this,”Excited but nervous. It'll be the first time being off on my own. I'll be leaving behind for a while all the friends and people I've known practically my whole life, but this is the next step in my life and everyone else's and I'm excited to see where it takes all of us.” I can say beyond most shadows of doubt that this is how many if not most of the current senior class feels, despite how much of a brave face they might try to put on. 

No matter how you feel about your tenure in this school we all have a memory that everytime we recall it, it brings us joy each time. When Max was asked what memory for him brought that same feeling to him he responded, “Definitely the massive Disney trip junior year where the band, orchestra, and choir all went at the same time. Yes there were some annoying parts like my bus breaking down. But nothing can compare to being in Disney for a couple days with most of my friends over spring break.” One can admire that despite the struggles their trip might have had, he still saw the radiant light at the end of the tunnel. 

When it comes to the staff of this school, love ‘em or hate ‘em, there is always one that stands out as your favorite, or one that had the most impact on you. For Max the answer was rather simple and concise,” Mr. Logalbo.” Well with Max’s excellence in the sciences it is absolutely no surprise that he would stand out as a favorite.  

After roaming these halls being lost for longer than most of us would care to admit, we seniors have learned a thing or two about dealing with highschool, and in his ever gracious nature Max has decided to impart some of that wisdom on the upcoming classes. Max’s imparting wisdom is as follows, “Have some fun, but doing well is important for getting into the college you want to attend.” All of what he said is true, grades are just as important as having fun, although make sure you don’t make yourself miserable over it.

Although we have no idea where we will be, it’s always fun to take a guess at where we hope to see ourselves, for Max his hopes align rather well with his profession, “Working as an engineer messing with robots to make stuff work better.” Well know Max he will do more than simply make things better, he’ll be at the forefront of engineering advancement, without a doubt. 

Max’s final message to the school is one of a more hopeful yet solemn nature, “ It’s the end of our time here but the memories will be with us for years to come.” I couldn't agree more with Max’s sentiment here. 

Max’s senior quote is as follows,” "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." — Dr. Seuss, conveniently the same quote as our senior class.