Trinidad Rameriez: Film and Media Arts Major

Trinidad Rameriez plans to major in Film and Media Arts at Cleveland State University! Trinidad explains, “I have always had an interest in filmmaking and studying all kinds of media art. The downtown Cleveland area with Playhouse Square being the 2nd largest theater district next to Broadway, and it being such a diverse cultural center of art and music, I believe I will have no trouble finding inspiration for my future projects and art.”

He talks about his favorite memory from high school: “My favorite memory of high school would be performing Dirty Rotten Scoundrels my Sophomore year for the Spring Musical. In this show, I played Freddy Benson, a character originally portrayed by Steve Martin who is one of my favorite actors/comedians. I will never forget the incredible experience of playing such a comedic and immersive role. Simply put: it was so much fun to make a fool out of myself.”

With graduation coming up, Trinidad says, “I'm grateful for the opportunities AHS has given me to explore beyond typical education. Namely with my Excel TECC program, in both my Junior and Senior years I was able to attend Mayfield for half of the day and meet a variety of people from all walks of life. Moving forward from AHS, I'm glad I was able to see how lucky I am to have privileges that many other schools don't have.”

Trinidad talks about the teacher who has impacted him the most, Mr. Albrecht: “I would not have made it as far in theater or just personally in general without the help of Mr. Albrecht. I only recently had the privilege of being a student in his normal classes this year, but throughout my entire high school (and even middle school) years he has always believed in me and supported me in expressing myself through theater.”

Trinidad has big goals for the future: “Hopefully, if I manage to stick out in the film scene downtown, I want to work on opening my own production studio and working on projects that I find important to the world.”

His advice to the underclassmen comes from his dad. Trinidad explains that his dad “emphasized to me that my future is in my own hands. Essentially, pick whatever path, class, [or] extracurricular activity that aligns with what you want to do. Life gets stressful, and overworking yourself on subjects that won't help you reach your goals will make you more stressed.”

Trinidad's final message as he graduates is this: “Don't let anyone tell you who you are.”

Finally, his senior quote comes from Frank Zappa, “Without deviation, progress is not possible.”

By: Charlotte Varkala