Grayson Cromeens advances the field of bio-chemistry 

By: Shane Siddall

Senior Grayson Cromeens will be attending Kent State University Honors College for Biochemistry, and already we can tell how far this up-and-comer will be going. 

When asked why he had chosen such a unique and challenging field of study he very simply stated, "I’ve always found myself interested in it,” and entering such a university with such cold confidence in stride will be a massive boon guaranteed. 

Instead of feeling anxious or fearful about graduation, Grayson is excited and enthusiastic: “I'm excited, ready to move onto the next step within my life and ready to graduate. I will miss the school and the experiences that this school has to offer but I will be ready to make more”.  With a mindset such as that, it easily puts his confidence above many high schoolers when they are graduating. 

In the many halls of this school, memories echo throughout them from times past and present, each student has their favorite among them, for Grayson it's easy: “Probably performing during senior night for band, playing the tenor drums alongside my best friends, commemorating our long 4 years this school has given us.” 

The staff of this school to many have been more than just teachers, they have been confidants and in some cases, friends. They have impacted us in many ways known and unknown. For Grayson, when asked what teacher had the most impact on him, he answered with a full chest, “I would say, Mrs. Biro, as she was the teacher that instilled the aspect of resilience within me, showing me where to go and how to get there when I was lost”. 

Over four years of walking the same halls, seniors have learned a thing or two because they’ve seen a thing for two. Grayson’s advice for underclassmen is, “Don’t overthink it, and don't give in to do things just because those around you are doing the same. You will have a more fulfilling and satisfying experience when it’s all our own.” 

Ah, the ever infamous question, “Where do you see yourself in ten years?”  Well, for Grayson, this was a rather straightforward question: “working as a doctor, helping others in every way that I can, with a spouse/family.” 

Almost every senior in this school will have some parting words for this school, a chance to give this school a piece of their mind, either good or bad, in this case, it's good: “Thanks for the ride, the ups, the downs, and everything in between”. Well, that's one less thing for the school to censor. 

Grayson's parting wisdom is an inspirational one: "We evolve beyond the person we were a minute before! Little by little, we advance a bit further with each turn.”