Colin Hensley: future pediatric nurse

Colin Hensley is a senior here at AHS, and will be attending nursing school/college later this fall.

 Regarding his desire to be a nurse, Colin explains,  "[It] started with my brother when he was diagnosed with autism and I’m great with kids and have always been good at sciences.”

Even with all the great memories from high school, Colin says he's “Definitely ready for a fresh start at a new place, but [I will] miss my friends and family.”

Colin's favorite memories of high school are, “Friday Night Football Games with my friends.” 

One of Colin's most helpful teachers throughout his career is Mrs. Dirda. He said that "most of my classes haven’t pushed me quite like AP Psych so when I struggled it was a bad struggle, during that time I wasn’t at my best and Mrs. Dirda always kept a smile on her face when helping me out whether it was test corrections, not understanding a concept, or coming before a test to get some extra studying, she truly cared and it impacted me greatly knowing there are great teachers in this school that I can rely on. She also had a great sense of humor and was always engaging with us which made her class ultimately one of my favorites.”

Colin shares where he hopes to be in 10 years: “Hopefully working in a Pediatric Hospital, with a wife, a nice house, and a relatively nice car. Also gotta have a German shepherd and a Golden Lab along with it.”

Reflecting on his high school experience, Colin had this to share:  “Don’t procrastinate that much, it’s not worth the loss of sleep. But also don’t care what other people think, so many people are either self-obsessed or so worried about getting judged they either aren’t themselves or fit into a group they don’t truly like. Being yourself will find you your high school best friends and possibly some you go to college with.” 

To underclassmen, Colin leaves this advice: “Your hard work really will pay off in high school, it's worth all the blood sweat, and tears that you put into all the essays and tests, and all the work when you get to open those acceptance letters your senior year to show all the accomplishments you made.”

Colin wants to say one last, "Bye".