Kailey Feckner, the world's best future career woman

Senior Kailey Feckner will be attending either Ohio University or Miami University this coming fall with her major undecided. Her future holds so much, and she hopes for an abundance of success in the future. 

With her graduation coming up, Kailey says, “It’s so bittersweet. I’m excited to move on and experience college, but I’m also scared of change and having to live on my own.” There is no doubt that wherever Kailey ends up, she will find her people and her place! Anywhere would be lucky to have her. 

In her time here at AHS, Kailey has made so many connections with so many people. Her favorite memory of high school would be “making lifelong friends.” 

Friends weren’t the only people Kailey created these relationships with. For the teacher that impacted her most, Kailey says, “Ms. Waysack was the best. She always speaks her truth whether I like it or not, which has helped me become a better person.”

She would like to leave AHS reminding the other underclassmen to “Take it one day at a time. Enjoy the present…nothing is that deep.” Kailey’s bright energy and easygoing personality are proof that she lives by both of these, making memories every day with the people she loves. 

Kailey is someone you can count on to make you laugh or go on a fun adventure with. Anyone and anywhere who gets the chance to know Kailey gets to love her! Good luck to you Kailey!

Written by Ava McGovern