Maggie Keyes: future Bobcat and nurse

Senior Maggie Keyes will be attending Ohio University this coming fall, majoring in nursing. More specifically, she would like to be a nurse for either labor and delivery or anesthesiology. 

“My parents are both in the medical field, so I have been interested in it since I was little,” Maggie explains. 

In regards to graduation, Maggie notes that she is both excited and nervous, as anyone would be. Maggie has a bright future ahead of her so that excitement should be peaking through!

So many memories were formed for Maggie throughout her 4 years at AHS. Her favorite--and most impressive--memory would be her becoming a Varsity cheerleader only as a little freshman! Maggie remained the head cheerleader for both football and basketball every year following that, keeping our Greenmen encouraged every single game!

Memories weren’t the only thing Maggie made at AHS; she also made so many connections and relationships with people here. 

“Mrs. Lindley would be the member that has impacted me the most. She has always been a teacher I felt comfortable around and could talk to about anything. She is a great support system for me,” she says. Mrs. Lindley teaches both Honors 10 and AP Literature, and Maggie had her for both classes! 

Her biggest piece of advice for underclassmen--some who might even have Mrs. Lindley for Honors 10!--was, “Check your emails! Take Pop Lit!” Checking your emails keeps you up to date, something many don’t do! Mrs. Taylor--who is also the Journalism and English 12 teacher--teaches Pop Lit, one of the most popular and loved classes at AHS. Two great pieces of advice from Maggie. 

Her future already holds so much short term, but in regards to her long term, Maggie says, “I see myself being done with school, working as a nurse practitioner, along with starting a family.” Whoever gets Maggie as a nurse or a mother or a friend is quite lucky. 

Maggie is exactly the person anyone needs when you need a shoulder to lean on or a good laugh to have. Good luck to you Maggie!

Written by Ava McGovern