Jacob Janelle is ready to soar into his future

By: Shane Siddall

Senior Jacob Janelle is going to Bowling Green State University for aviation, soon to be taking to the skies, soaring high above the “hard deck”. When asked why he chose said path, Jake simply said, “I have been interested in aviation my whole life”. Well with Jake in the air far above us, there is an almost guaranteed certainty of passengers arriving sooner than expected all across the States.

When the topic of graduation is broached with many seniors the immediate response is that of either indifference, fear or not knowing how to feel. Jake follows the last option saying, “Honestly right now I don’t know what to think. I’ll miss my friends but I am also looking forward to starting college.”, Well I can say with a degree of certainty that is how a good portion of our peers feel about it right now.

Ah, highschool memories, you either love ‘em or you hate ‘em, for the majority of us I would say that it's a pretty even split, but nonetheless there is always that one memory that stands out, one token of our soon to be former youth. When I asked Jake what his soon to be token would be not just one, but rather a collection of memories, “Easily my favorite memories from highschool was going to the football games with friends. The energy of each game was super fun and crazy which left me with many fond memories”. Well I’m sure that many can relate to that sentiment, the memory of those games will ring true for many for years to come.

The teachers and staff members of this school, each name is bound to bring up many mixed reactions and emotions, but regardless of that there is always bound to be one that stands out to each one of us individually. When the question was posed to Jake he responded with a coy smirk, “Mr Pinzone. When I had Mr. Pinzone last year he managed to make each class period engaging and fun which led me to do well and look forward to one of my least favorite subjects. (sorry Mrs. Taylor) Mr. Pinzone also had a great sense of humor which made the class very entertaining and which led to me being more open with him”. Well with the repertoire that Mr. Pinzone carries around with him, it will never be a shocker that he ranks among this school’s most memorable teachers.

Well, over the course of four years seniors have undoubtedly gained a plethora of knowledge, and as graduation is looming over the senior class of 2024, we have decided to impart some of that knowledge on to the underclassmen who will soon be following us. Jake’s imparting wisdom on the following classes is as follows, “Enjoy yourself, and don’t overwork yourself. These are your last 4 years. Don’t take all AP courses, the amount of stress and pain I’ve seen close friends go through doing that makes it not worth it in my eyes. Just have fun and don’t fail”. Well for most that thought process will hold true.

The infamous question that could make anyone sit down and take a moment to think about it, “Where do you see yourself in ten years?”, Well for Jake it's relatively straightforward, “Hopefully a commercial pilot for one of the large airline companies”. The bane of both the school and the administrators, the famous parting words, luckily for everyone in the censoring process this one won’t be of any concern, Jake’s parting words are, “Thanks for the memories, the people, and the opportunities”.

Well, to end on a positive note, a quick segway into his senior quote, for the school to remember him by, "Enjoy the little things, for one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things" - Robert Brault.