Gracie Milano: Future Architect

Senior, Gracie Milano, has big plans after high school to go to college and study architecture! Gracie wants to study architecture because she has always had an interest in art, math, and design. In 2034, Gracie can see herself as an architect in London or another fun location. 

In regards to her favorite high school memory, Gracie says, "My favorite high school memory is making it to the tennis state tournament with my sister this year."

While Gracie is excited about graduation as it is a new chapter of her life, she is sad to be leaving everyone she grew up with here in Aurora. The advice she would give to underclassmen is: "Work hard and be yourself!"

Gracie says that a staff member who impacted her was Mr. Berrodin: "He has been my art teacher for the past 3 years and has helped me grow a lot as an artist!"

Her final message is "Long Live the class of 2024. I had the time of my life with you."

Finally, her senior quote is one by Taylor Swift: “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you” - New Year’s Day. 

Charlotte Varkala