Jillian Parhamovich

Jillian Parhamovich is a 2024 senior, and she’ll be attending Bowling Green State University this fall. While attending BGSU, she has chosen to study nursing. This love for helping others started when she was younger, “Ever since I was little I had a passion to help others; I started helping take care of my grandma, and doing that gave me the desire to give assistance to those in need of care.”

Jillian exclaims that she’s excited about her upcoming graduation: “I am very excited to graduate and move on to bigger things in my life!” 

When it comes to 2034, ten years from now, Jillian wants to be down south, doing what she loves: “...I hope to be caring for others and helping them get the healthcare that they deserve. I would eventually like to move to either Tennessee or Georgia.” 

Although Jillian has only been at Aurora since the beginning of her senior year, she was still able to make amazing memories: “...everyone here was very welcoming. I made lots of new friends and my senior year wouldn’t have been the same without them, I especially loved my 8th-period anatomy class.” 

When it comes to a teacher, Mrs. Taylor has made a big impact on Jillian: “...being a new student my senior year was really difficult and scary; however, Mrs. Taylor’s room always felt like a safe space where I could come to her with any questions whether it was school related or not. She would take her time to give me new book recommendations to which we would talk about later when I finished them. Being myself in a new environment was easier thanks to Mrs. Taylor.”

Jillian wants to thank the Aurora staff for making her senior year special: “I want to thank Aurora staff and faculty for all of the opportunities provided and for the friends I made that made my senior year so fun.” 

She also wants underclassmen to know that it’s okay to be who they are: “...be yourself and to get involved. Don’t let others hold you back from doing the things that you want. I have noticed that the majority of the time that you do something out of your comfort zone and try new things the outcome is rewarding.” 

Jillian’s senior quote is from Jennifer Aniston: “There are no regrets in life. Just lessons.”

Written by: Maddie Mink