Watch all your sweet treat fantasies come true at Fantasy Delight

According to the Statistic Research Department, 291.09 million people consume ice cream every year. In the small town of Aurora there is only one place to eat ice cream: Fantasy Delight. On the top of Aurora Road, right in the center of town, one can find Fantasy Delight; a place that will satisfy everyone's sweet treat craving. As the season has come to a close, it is safe to say that Fantasy Delight has put another successful year in the books. From the expansive menu consisting of multiple hard ice cream flavors, soft serve, flurries, and frozen yogurt, Fantasy Delight continues to prove that they are the best ice cream joint in the area. Putting aside the flavors, Fantasy Delight has been a family owned and operated establishment for 30 plus years. Currently, run by the Donley brothers, Ethan and Ryan, they make a point to treat each and every one of their customers with respect. They will go out of their way to make sure each customer gets exactly what they asked for. 

As a new employee at Fantasy Delight last summer, I can confidently say that the work environment is extremely positive and enjoyable. I was so lucky to have been given such a wonderful opportunity for my first job. I will definitely be returning next summer. To prove this further, I asked my co-worker Lana Witmer about her experience working at Fantasy Delight. She said, “I have really enjoyed my experience there. The environment is also so nice and welcoming and I can’t wait to go back next summer.”

Opening in May, Fantasy Delight is here to serve you up until October. Thus, providing the perfect ice cream spot for a humid summer night or a brisk fall afternoon. With Fantasy Delight being an entirely outside establishment, with a deck with seating, it is a great place to take yourself and all of your family. With sizes ranging from kid to large, there is no one too young for ice cream. 

Fantasy Delight also provides for folks with certain allergies. One of my favorite experiences from working this past summer was when a frequent customer with a peanut allergy would place an order. My coworkers and I would wash our hands to make sure our hands were clean in case we came in contact with peanuts, which occurred often. We also made sure to fulfill the customer's request (as we do with all customers). It proves to show two things: there is no order Fantasy Delight can’t do and we make sure the customer gets exactly what they want. 

Overall, in a town where the activity is somewhat limited, Fantasy Delight is a prime hangout spot and a great place to get a sweet treat. A place where all ages will find great ice cream, frozen yogurt, flurries, milkshakes, and more. Customers are guaranteed to be treated with respect and kindness. When you leave Fantasy Delight, I promise you will leave delighted.


By: Harrison Mullin