
Japan Business Center

Etsuko Yashiki Good (谷敷悦子)


  • 「… Japan Business Centerの谷敷様は企業人の経験を持ち、特に米国日本企業で数年活躍されました事が、日米両国の企業慣例に精通されての通訳、翻訳業、これは米国企業の慣例を知らない我々の言葉が米国人に理解しやすい言葉に置き換わっており、日米両者のコミュニケ-ションを満足させ、且つ理解を高める橋渡しをして戴けていると感謝致しております。」(壷井@(株)荏原製作所 Feb 2002)

  • 「… we are very grateful for the translating work you did for our program about Japanese women in the labor force. The speaker, one of the few females in the Japanese Diet, was very nervous about speaking to a group of American university women. You put her mind at ease, and translated her speech easily, as well as the many questions that followed. Estusko, you are a delight to work with and I know we will seek your assistance in the future.」(Moersh@The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania Feb 2002)