Try Bowls - For Competition & Companionship

With the focus both locally and nationally on social care and activities for all genders, young and old, Stamford Indoor Bowls Club is doing its bit to provide a facility where people can find companionship as well as healthy sport.

So the club which has its six-rink stadium off Exeter Gardens is hosting an open weekend on Saturday and Sunday, (September 10 & 11) from 10 am to 4pm) when experienced bowlers and coaches will be on hand to provide free sessions with equipment provided.

It’s an opportunity for all ages and for all the family to try a new sport.

Founded in 1990, initially to provide opportunities for outdoor bowlers to pursue their favourite pastime year round, Stamford IBC has become more than just a bowling facility. It also provides a haven for those seeking to meet friends and share a chat as well as enjoy a game which anyone can enjoy.

Open seven days week, upto 12 hours a day during the winter months and run entirely by volunteers, Stamford IBC provides a place to go for those seeking conversation as well as competition.

Said one recently widowed member:"When I lost my husband, it was devastating. But a friend took me to one of the open mornings at the indoor bowls club and almost immediately I was hooked on the game and the chance to make new friends.

"Not only that but I found that I could pop in at any time, even if I wasn't due to play and just watch whatever matches were in progress, get a coffee and guarantee to see a friendly, familiar face.That is so important when loneliness is an issue and you can spend hours, sometimes days on your own."

With its state of the art carpeted bowling surface, the club has a mixed membership with an average age more than most sports clubs but a skill level that is very high - from juniors to seniors.

Often wrongly labelled a game purely for the elderly, it offers the ideal opportunity to those who are perhaps not quite as fit and active as they used to be, to continue to play a sport competitively while striking up lasting relationships.

Tuition is free over the weekend as is equipment. A pair of trainers or smooth soles shoes is all you need.

For further information visit