League Team Entry date Extended

In an effort to boost its domestic leagues for the forthcoming winter season, the club is extending its deadline to receive team and player registrations.

The rinks will be returned to six (from the current format of five to accommodate social distancing restrictions) and the domestic league entry cut-off date has been stretched to July 26. League secretary John Holroyd is hopeful that more players will answer the call to register teams or make themselves available to join teams as individuals.

The leagues that particularly need a boost are the Monday and Tuesday evening Open rinks, Thursday afternoon men's triples, Thursday evening open rinks and Sunday morning Aussie pairs.

A meeting has also been arranged at Stamford IBC at 10.30 am on Thursday, July 22 to attract interested players and teams in a bid to resurrect the Tuesday afternoon women's triples league, which so far has only four entries and is looking for more players to get involved.

Whilst England moves to stage 4 of the Covid recovery programme the club is awaiting guidance from the government, Sports England and the EIBA Ltd, on what this means for protecting our members safety. Until we have received this guidance and have to considered it the present safety measures being taken at the club will remain in force.