First league table for indoor bowlers

Post date: Oct 12, 2020 7:05:42 PM

After four weeks of competition - the first since March when the club closed because of the Covid-19 lockdown - Stamford Indoor Bowls Club members have been re-discovering their form, despite having to wear face coverings and maintain a two-metre social distance from fellow bowlers.

However, they have quickly come to terms with the new playing carpet installed in April with many players new to the game also finding their introduction has made them competitive from the start.

As the league tables show (last updated at the weekend) several teams including Dave Howarth's Brunnians and Wakes and Jeff Bourne's 'Bourne Again' have a 100 per-cent record but as bowlers get more used to the surface, look out for upsets along the way.

The club continues to observe Covid-19 protocols and asks members to ensure they follow the rules, demanding face coverings at all times with slight relaxation while bowling from the mat to expose the nose if required. The mask must be replaced immediately, however.

FOOTNOTE: The club has this week engaged a new caterer, The Happy Bowl Catering Company, who will operate a table service only from 9.30am to 4pm on weekdays (9.30am to 1pm on Tuesdays) and will accept bookings for drinks, snacks, sandwiches & hot meals with immediate effect. Contact the club during playing session times.

LEAGUE TABLES (To keep up to date tables can be viewed online at