Hydration is a fast and simple way to help you increase athletic performance. Here’s how drinking water - before, during and after an event - is directly beneficial to you.

Hydrating means sustained work capacity; in other words, you’ll be able to perform better if you drink more water. A bowler dehydrated with 2.5% loss of body weight in the form of water can experience up to 45% loss in capacity to perform at their best.

We tend to think our hydration depends on our activity level, and to some extent, this is true. However, in a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that simply sitting at a desk can lead to dehydration and negative consequences even without visible sweating or exercise.

Results found that mild dehydration (defined as a 1.5% loss in water) led to fatigue, difficulty in memory tasks, anxiety and tension.

So what does this mean for you? It means that when you’re thirsty, your body is already 1-2% dehydrated, so you need to up your water intake (see tips below).

Signs and symptoms of dehydration:

  • Dizziness

  • Dry lips, mouth, skin

  • Physical and mental fatigue

  • Loss of concentration

  • Reduced performance

  • Darkened urine (one of the first indicators)

  • Increased body temperature, heart rate and perceived effort

Post-match hydration is an important part of recovery. Water flushes out toxins and helps flush out excess acid from muscles in the body post-exertion. It also aids in cellular repair, so those micro tears created in muscle during exercise will heal faster, and leave you with less soreness the next day..

With all this in mind, it can still be difficult to include another health habit in your daily routine.


  • Carry a water bottle with you and when you feel fatigue setting in, try grabbing your water instead of a coffee or tea. You’ll find yourself drinking more water subconsciously, and not reaching those dehydrated energy lows.

  • Use a measured water bottle. That way you can monitor your water intake over time.

  • Drink Water before each of your main meals. (Water has no calories and drinking before a meal can suppress your appetite).

  • Drink Water only 2 hours or more after your main meals. (Earlier can hinder your digestion).

  • Drink 1 Sip at a Time (Gulp it down quicker and your body can’t absorb it properly).