178 - bail out
January 25, 1985: Pam slapped the hell out of poor Detective Kane (James Cromwell) on "Dallas" after knowing that he had been lying to her about Mark Graison´s whereabouts, paid by J.R. The actor in question was not too well-known then, but he went on to become one of the most reliable character actors in the following two decades, in movies like "Babe" (he was the little pig´s owner), "L.A. Confidential", "The Green Mile" or "The Queen", as well as the cult TV series "24" and "Six Feet Under". Also in the same "Dallas" episode, J.R. finally seduced Mandy Winger (Deborah Shelton) using his usual tricks: flowers, caviar, champagne...and his devilish charm.
25 de enero de 1988: Pam le partía la cara en dos al pobre Detective Kane (James Cromwell) en "Dallas", tras saber que le había mentido sobre el paradero de Mark Graison, pagado por J.R. El actor en cuestión no era muy conocido entonces, pero acabó convirtiéndose en uno de los secundarios más sólidos de las dos décadas siguientes, en films como "Babe, el cerdito valiente" (era el dueño del animalito), "L.A. Confidential", "La milla verde" o "The Queen", así como las series de culto "24" y "A dos metros bajo tierra". En el mismo episodio de "Dallas" , J.R. seducía por fin a Mandy Winger (Deborah Shelton) mediante sus trucos habituales: flores, caviar, champán...y su diabólico encanto.
© 2020 Toni Díaz
© Photos of "Dallas" copyrighted by Warner and / or their authors.