Esposa de JOCK y madre de J.R., GARY y BOBBY, casada en segundas nupcias con CLAYTON FARLOW. Su matrimonio fusionó el imperio petrolífero EWING con las tierras en crisis de su padre, salvando de este modo la fortuna familiar, pues SOUTHFORK era rico en petróleo.

Tenaz, sencilla y bondadosa, tendía a ocultar los verdaderos motivos de sus arranques temperamentales. Su principal defecto consistía en dejar a J.R. hacer su voluntad. Los conflictos familiares la afectaron considerablemente, en particular cuando sus hijos se disputaron el control de la empresa. Siente un gran amor por la tierra, aunque para ella, lo más importante sea la UNIÓN de la FAMILIA.

En la 7ª etapa, ELLIE fue interpretada por la actriz DONNA REED, y en el telefilme “LOS PRIMEROS AÑOS”, por MOLLY HAGAN desde los 15 años de edad.

JOCK´s wife, mother of J.R., GARY and BOBBY, her second husband was CLAYTON FARLOW. Her first marriage merged the EWING oil empire with her father´s troubled lands, thus saving the family fortune through oil-rich SOUTHFORK.

Tenacious, simple and kind, she used to hide the real reasons behind her temper rages. Her main fault was letting J.R. do his own. The family conflicts considerably affected her, particularly when her sons fought for the company´s control. She feels a great love for the land, though the most important thing to her was keeping her FAMILY UNITED.

ELLIE was played by actress DONNA REED in Season 7, and by MOLLY HAGAN since 15 years old in THE EARLY YEARS.




Marido de ELLIE, casado anteriormente con AMANDA, internada en COLORADO a causa de una enfermedad mental. Toda su vida la dedicó a levantar el imperio de la EWING OIL, poderosa compañía petrolífera, aunque a veces tuviera que recurrir a dudosas tácticas.

Sus conocimientos del negocio los transmitió a su hijo mayor, que no dudó en pasar por encima suyo llevado por la codicia. El sentido del honor y la entereza eran cualidades que todos admiraban en él. Perdió la vida en 1981, a consecuencia de un accidente aéreo en la selva sudamericana, después de realizar una misión para el Gobierno de EEUU. En su testamento, quedó patente su deseo de que BOBBY y J.R. compartieran la EWING OIL.

Años después, un tal WES PARMALEE intentó hacerse pasar por el difunto patriarca, amnésico y con una nueva cara, que pertenecía al actor STEVE FORREST.El origen de su enemistad con DIGGER se desvela en la citada película, con DALE MIDKIFF interpretando al joven JOCK.

MISS ELLIE´s husband, formerly married to AMANDA, committed at a COLORADO sanitarium due to a mental problem. All his life was devoted to build the EWING OIL empire, powerful oil company, even if he had to turn to devious tactics.

He transmitted his business experience to his oldest son, who did not hesitate to step on him out of greed. His sense of honor and integrity were qualities everbody admired in him. He was killed in 1981, in a helicopter accident flying over the South American jungles, after accomplishing a mission for US Government. In his will, it was established his wish to let BOBBY and J.R. share EWING OIL.

Years later, a man called WES PARMALEE tried to pass off as the late patriarch, amnesiac and with a new face, belonging to actor STEVE FORREST. The beginning of his rivalry with DIGGER was revealed in the above mentioned telemovie, starring DALE MIDKIFF as young JOCK.

En la foto superior, un retrato de las familias Ewing-Barnes-Southworth:

de izquierda a derecha y arriba abajo:

Above photo, a portrait of the Ewing-Barnes-Southworth families:

left to right and up to down:

Jock Ewing (Dale Midkiff), Digger Barnes (David Marshall Grant),

Garrison Southworth (Matt Mulhern), Ellie Southworth (Molly Hagan),

Aaron Southworth (Hoyt Axton) and wife Barbara.

continued here

© 2020 Toni Díaz

© Warner for photos of "Dallas" and prequel "Dallas: The Early Years".