2 - lessons

April 9, 1978: The newlywed Bobby and Pam Ewing went to the fanciest disco in Dallas to do a bit of boogie-woogie, hustle or whatever you want to call it. It was the second episode of the show and nobody could deny there was chemistry between the starring couple. Previously to that provocative and "modern" dance, Lucy had wheeled and dealed like her own uncle J.R. in order to get rid of those obnoxious, good-for-nothing high school lessons. The "poison dwarf" (as she was nicknamed in UK) had made believe she had been forced by one of her teachers, had skipped classes big time, and had manipulated her Grandpa (and probably the whole family too) before Auntie Pammy decided to turn her into Snow White. Funnily enough, she succeeded...in the long run. And what about the Principal Secret? Sure she got her first million of fans with that disco scene only!

7 de julio de 1981: Los recién casados Bobby y Pam Ewing se iban de marcha a la disco de moda de Dallas para bailar el "boogie-woogie", el "hustle" o como quiera que se llamase entonces mover el esqueleto. Era el segundo episodio de la serie y no podía negarse la química que existía entre la pareja protagonista. Previamente a ese baile tan provocativo y "moderno", Lucy había intrigado como su tío J.R. para librarse de esas odiosas e inútiles lecciones en el insti. La "enana venenosa" (como la bautizaron en Reino Unido) había fingido que uno de sus profesores se había propasado con ella, se había saltado un montón de clases y había manipulado a su abuelo (y seguramente a toda la familia) antes de que la tita Pammy decidiera convertirla en Blancanieves. Curioso pero así acabó, a largo plazo. ¿Y qué me decís del Secreto de la Principal? Seguro que sólo con esa escena de la disco consiguió su primer millón de fans...

© 2020 Toni Díaz

© Photos of "Dallas" copyrighted by Warner and / or their authors.