Marker Studies


20 points --- COLOR WHEEL: The color wheel is organized properly, labeled correctly and has 6 correctly placed primary and secondary colors and 6 correctly mixed and placed tertiary colors.

20 points --- HATCHING & STIPPLING: Tertiary colors were mixed with hatching and stippling.  Assignment includes a hatched/stippled tint, shade, and gradient with corresponding labels.

20 points --- 3 COLOR SCHEME EXPLORATIONS: 3 color scheme explorations are included.  The color schemes explorations show effort to explore different color scheme options. 

20 points --- REFERENCE IMAGE EXPLORATIONS: There are 6 or more marker explorations of the 6 reference images.  The explorations include a variety of detail

10 points --- NEAT: All the drawings, coloring, stippling, and hatching look neat and carefully done.

5 points --- REFLECTION & SELF-GRADING: Private comment with reflection and self-grading is included

5 points --- TIMELY COMPLETION: The assignment is completed no later than a week past the due date. 

DRAFT: Shaded Mouth, Nose & Eye

30 points --- DETAILED DRAWINGS: The Mouth, the Nose, and the Eye include all their respective natural components

30 points --- DIFFERENT VALUES: Each drawing uses a wide range of values including the darkest dark and the lightest light

30 points --- BLENDING & CONSISTENCY: The shading looks neat and carefully done and blending between values is gradual where needed.

10 points --- CAREFUL EXECUTION: The drawing and shading looks controlled and carefully done

Note: Work is not being graded for looking naturalistic!