Surreal Expression Rubrics

Rubric 1 of 2



S. SCORE                  T. SCORE                 COMMENTS


10 points --- PLANNING: Treasure Hunt Planning Sheet

10 points ---FILE SETUP:  The PSD file is set up correctly (Name, Image Size, Resolution Etc)

15 points --- GUIDES:  Guides for the V Point, H Line, Walls, Ceiling, and Floor were created as directed

25 points --- ROOM LAYERS  • There are 5 ROOM LAYERS (Floor, Ceiling, & 3 Walls) • 3 room layers are TEXTURE / PATTERNS and have been • TRANSFORMED to create the illusion of 3D Space & Form • The TEXTURE/PATTERN layers are NOT BLURRY • The transforming is done so that the diagonals CORRECTLY line up to the VANISHING POINT • Each room layer is in a SEPARATE LAYER

20 points --- 2 ROOM DETAILS: Two room details were added • Two room details were transformed • Painted guides that connect to the V Point where used to inform the diagonals of two room details (for example window(s) door(s)

20  points --- SURREAL CREATURE FEATHERING: 2 or more images have been made to look as one with feathering. (Either in your project or in the file provided)

??? points --- BONUS / MINUS

Rubric 2 of 2



S. SCORE                  T. SCORE                 COMMENTS

15 points --- TEXTURE MAPPING: A texture was added to an object (Either in your project or in the file provided)

25 points ---CLONE STAMPING:  The exercise was completed as directed. (Optional: this learning applied to project)

15 points --- COLOR ADJUSTMENTS: There are at least TWO effective COLOR ADJUSTMENT layers with CLIPPING MASKS

15 points --- Burn, Dodge, Sponge Tool Exercise: Burning, dodging, and Saturating were done on on the exercise file provided. (Optional: this learning applied to project)

20 points --- WHITE BORDER, PROJECT TITLE and NAME: A white canvas BORDER was added, Correctly spelled project TITLE and student NAME were included, Project title and student name text was FORMATTED as required, Project title and student name text was POSITIONED, neatly where required

10 points --- THREE FILES were SUBMITTED: PSD file with layers for grading, Flattened JPEG for Printing, GIF file for Student Art Page

??? points --- BONUS / MINUS