Personal Slide Show

1.  Project Goals


Create a personal slide show with Google Slides!

5 or more slides with colored/patterned background

5 or More Pictures (Not Distorted) on each slide

Text on each slide (Color, Size, & Font Formatted)

 Easy to read and not too much text

2. Ideas 

Personal topics that you can cover:

You do not have to include pictures of yourself!

3. Text Alignment & Formatting 

To center text, use center alignment (no spaces)

Resize text boxes so they touch left and right edges of slide

Format the text every slide!  

  • Change font size
  • Change font color
  • Change font style

Make sure grammar and spelling are correct!

Google Slides automatically have two text boxes formatted in the font ARIAL. One at 52 pt and the other at 28 pt in the color black.  Be sure to change all that.

Delete empty text frames

4.  Add at Least 5 Photos 

5. Five Slides with Backgrounds Edited 

Choose from the following background options

6. Text in 5 Slides or More 

7. Five or More Slides 

8. Private Comment with Reflection & Self Grading

When you submit your work to the assignment posting in Google Classroom, include the following in the private comment:

Reflection: What went well?  What did you struggle with?

Self-Grading: What grade do you think you deserve?


 9. Rubric

10 Points: 5 SLIDES: The Personal slideshow includes 5 or more slides

10 Points: TITLE PAGE: Includes a proper title

20 Points: PHOTOS: 5 or more photos. At least 1 on each slide. Photos are NOT DISTORTED.

20 Points: TEXT FORMATTING: The font style, color, and size has been edited and every slide.

10 Points: TEXT on SLIDES: There is text on every slide

5 Points: EMPTY TEXT FRAMES: Empty text frames were deleted.

10 Points: SPELLING & GRAMMAR: Text on slides shows evidence of proofreading; there are no grammar or spelling mistakes.

10 Points: BACKGROUNDS: Each slide background has a Colored or Textured Background; none are white.

5 Points: Reflection and Self Grading in Google Classroom Private Comments

Extra Credit

Complete a second slide show on another topic

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning