
Extra Credit Assignment Menu  2023 - 2024

Choose From Options Below!   

Have your own idea? Run it by Ms. Hooker for approval

Adobe Illustrator!

Practice Tests

    Command, Shift, 3

Valentine's Day Card for Senior Citizens (Due Tue 2/7)

Student Art Page Contribution with Signed Media Consent From by Jan 22

Choose from one of the 2 templates (See Right)


(Choose 1)

See Ms. Hooker  if you have any questions regarding which template to choose

+ 15 added to an MA assessment project for on time submissions with Media Consent form.  Due Jan 22

T-Shirt Graphic

4 Agreements Redo

File Set Up Instructions

File > New

See screenshot left for settings

Optional: Orientation can by wide instead of tall


Choose Words Carefully

Don't Take it Personally

Don't Make Assumptions

Always Do Your Best

Illustration for Ms. Costello

Poster Contest:  

PSA Poster Sample

PSA = Public Service Announcement



This PSA is very effective because the SLOGAN, "Don't Let Drugs Deflate Your Dreams"  is catchy! The message is clear and the image works perfectly! 

The slogan also matches the desired action which is to not do drugs.


Artist Slide Show

Choose an artist on your own or use the museum link(s) left to find one

Create a slide show with 5 slides about the artist that includes the following

(Include name, date  & medium)

Design Pro Tips:

Do not copy and paste text from the Internet.  Use your own words.  Keep it short and simple (no big paragraphs)

Recreate a Masterpiece

1. Use stuff you have around your apartment to recreate a masterpiece.

2. Send the two separate images, the masterpiece and a photo of your recreation of it 

See samples linked below


Abstract Photography

Create a slide show of 8 or more distinctly different abstract photographs that you took yourself

Abstract Photography Defined

Abstraction takes place when a photographer zooms in one part of a natural scene, isolating it from its surroundings.

The focus of the photograph ends up being about color, texture, line, shape, space, balance, contrast, pattern, etc. and not about the real world and familiar objects.


Women in Art History 

Frida Kahlo, 1907 - 1954

Elizabeth Catlett, 1915 -2012

Activity Ideas

---portrait of her 

--- composition inspired by  her

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning