Distance Learning

Cubist Portrait Unit

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Cubist Portrait Planning Rubrics

*Cubist Portrait 5:                                         3 Shaded Objects 

1. Review Lesson Goals

Don't draw these objects, choose your own!


1. Choose a subject for their cubist portraits.

2. Choose 3 or more objects to go with their subject.

3. Create a study of shaded drawings of the 3 objects (from observation)

2. Choose Subject

1.  Self Portrait

2. Portrait of friend/family member

3. Celebrity 

4. Historical Figure

3. Review Cubist Portrait Project Goals (if needed)

Remember, Assignment #5 "3 Shaded Objects" is just a study in preparation for the Cubist Portrait Project that we are starting with the next lesson.

Review Cubits Portrait Project goals if needed....Link

4. Choose Objects and Find References

• Find references for your drawings.  Choose things that relate to the subject you chose for your Cubist Portrait (Your drawings are just studies in preparation for your Cubist Portrait.  

1.  Object(s) around the house

2.  Internet searches

5. Abstract or Natural?

Don't forget, you don't have to make your drawings naturalistic!

6. Gather Supplies

1.  Paper (white unlined preferred)

If you don't have white unlined paper, use whatever you have

2. Pencil

If you don't have a pencil, use a pen or crayon

7. Video Demonstrations

Email Ms. Hooker if you want a video demo of what need help drawing


8. Extension/Modification

Draw more shaded drawings

9. Assessment

10. Submit

Submit your work through Google classroom only

Daily Question 4/8/20

How do some recent artworks/advertising designs show a Cubist influence?

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning