Art Elements

Line, Shape, Value, Space, Color, Form, Texture

The Art Elements are what art images are made up of.

Artists can use any number of Art Elements they choose. 


(The DESIGN PRINCIPLES (Balance, Contrast/Variety, Focal Point, Unity, Movement) 

can be used to describe how an artist arranges the art elements in an artwork)


LINE: Lines can be used to outline shapes, create details, and textures. 

Lines can be thick, thin, wavy, straight, curved, etc.

Lines can be implied or real.


SHAPE: Shapes are created when each end of a line is connected.

Shapes are 2 dimensional (Width & Height)


FORM: Forms are 3D shapes. The 3 dimensions are Width x Height x Depth

Forms are found in sculpture.

The illusion of 3D Form is often created in 2D art


COLOR: Color can be used to symbolize ideas and express moods.

Color can also be use to help create the illusion of 3D Form and Space in 2D art..


VALUE: Value is the lightness or darkness of a color.

Artists can use value to create the illusion of 3D form and space.

Artists can also use Value to express moods and ideas.


SPACE: 2D Space is the area between and around shapes. 

3D Space is taken up by 3D sculptures

The illusion of 3D space can be created on a 2D surface


TEXTURE: Texture can describe the way an actual object feels when touched (real texture)

or what it looks like it would feel when touched (visual texture).

There are 2 kinds of visual texture: simulated and invented. 

A painting of furry kitten has simulated texture

A drawing with crosshatching or stippling for shading has invented texture