Distance Learning

Contour Line


Photo & 4 Thumbnail Sketches 

20 points --- STILL LIFE SET UP and PHOTO: Still life includes 7 items with at least 3 being complex.  Still life is set up in a pleasing arrangement and in a safe place that can be viewed from a seated position over a period of several days. One Photo of the Still Life was Submitted

40 points --- 4 THUMBNAIL SKETCHES: There are 4 small thumbnail sketches done in pencil.  Simple shapes are lightly drawn to indicate place and space of objects (no details)

10 points --- ORIENTATION: Thumbnail sketches show exploration of both Horizontal and Vertical orientations

10 points --- POINT OF VIEW: At least one sketch shows the still life from a different point of view. The Still Life objects have not been rearranged,

10 points --- SPACE: At least one of the thumbnail sketches shows exploration of space (cropped or "zoomed" out)

5 points --- REFLECTION and SELF-GRADING: Photos of still life and thumbnail sketches are submitted with a private comment that includes a reflection and self-grading

5 points --- TIMELY COMPLETION: The assignment is completed no later than a week past the due date

Final Contour Line Still Life 

20 points --- CHOSEN THUMBNAIL & FINAL PAPER:  • CHOSEN THUMBNAIL sketch was CIRCLED and submitted • The page ORIENTATION and COMPOSITION of the chosen THUMBNAIL sketch was used in the final drawing • The GRID METHOD was used to TRANSFER the thumbnail composition to the FINAL paper • The PAPER SIZE for the FINAL Contour Line Still Life is approximately 9" x 12" (8.5" x 11" copy/loose leaf paper is ok)

20 points --- CLOSE LOOKING OBSERVATIONAL DRAWING: • The FINAL Contour Line Still Life shows evidence of close and careful looking  at the space , shapes, and lines in the still life and is not drawn from a photograph.

20 points --- THREE COMPLEX OBJECTS: At least THREE of the 7 still life OBJECTS are complex and are drawn with detail 

20 points --- NEAT & COMPLETE: • The line drawing is clean and precise (not sketchy)• Erasures were carefully done • The still life includes 7 objects and looks complete

5 points --- REFLECTION and SELF-GRADING: Photos of Circled  Thumbnail Sketch and Final Shaded Still Life were submitted  with a private comment that includes a reflection and self-grading

5 points --- TIMELY COMPLETION: The assignment is completed no later than a week past the due date