Texture Mapping (April 4 & 5)

1. Assignment Goals


1. Complete 2 texture mapping activities: the first one with the images provided and a second with personally chosen images.

2. Add patterns / textures to objects or animals 

3. Use a layer mask to apply shadows and highlights to the patterns / textures

See Assessment below at the bottom of this page (Blue Text)

2. Download Texture Mapping File

1. Download file linked to the left.

2. Name it Texture Mapping followed by a space, your last name, and then your first.


Texture Mapping Hooker Martina.psd

3. Open File & Duplicate The Arm Layer 

4. Adjust Brightness Contrast

1. Image > Adjustments > Brightness Contrast

Make the darks darker and the lights lighter

5. Apply The Median Noise Filter

 1. Filter > Noise > Median For the arm image 10 pixels works well.

The goal is to get rid of as much of the skin texture as possible without distorting and making it look fake

6. Apply Gaussian Blur Filter

1. Filter > Blur > Gaussian > Blur

The arm doesn't need much of this filter to make it smoother after applying the median noise filter.

But if you're using your own images, you might need it

Sections 5 - 7 were destructive edits to the copy of the arm layer

7.  Create Marching Ant Selection Around Arm

8. Turn on and Highlight Zebra Fur Layer

1. TURN ON the ZEBRA FUR layer and HIGHLIGHT it

9. Apply a Layer Mask

1. With ZEBRA layer HIGHLIGHTED, Click ONCE on the LAYER MASK icon (See left)

10. Apply Overlay Blending Mode

1. Again with the ZEBRA layer HIGHLIGHTED, set the BLENDING MODE to OVERLAY (See left)

Sections 9 - 10 were Non Destructive edits.

11. Second Texture Mapping

I found an image of a man's head and a second image of "Dirt Texture".  Find your own images for your second texture mapping

1. Complete a SECOND texture mapping of two or more images in your file

2. Follow the steps here again carefully

3. Use the OVERLAY Blending Mode or try a different one.  The  one shown left has the DARKEN blending mode


40 PTS: The Texture Mapping exercise was completed as directed

55 PTS: A SECOND texture mapping of two or more images was done in the Texture Mapping file.

5 PTS: Work was done in a timely fashion

1. Show your work in class 


upload it to the assignment posting in Google Classroom

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning