
Fortune Teller 2:   File Set Up & Text

1. Lesson Goals


2. Fortune Teller Illustrator File Set Up

1. Rename the FT Template.ai file “FT” followed by your

last name first name and .ai

Example: FT Hooker Martina.ai

2. Copy Text From FT Planning Word File

1. Open your FT Planning MS Word Doc and HIGHLIGHT



2. Edit > Copy

3. Refer to to FT Text Orientation Reference

1. Notice which 5 shapes have text that is facing right side up.

This is the first text you will be entering into your Fortune Teller

Paste Text into Fortune Teller Illustrator File

1. Go to your FT.ai file and select the AREA TYPE TOOL

(Click and hold on the type tool to REVEAL the HIDDEN

tools to find it)


2. Open the PARAGRAPH and CHARACTER panels from

the WINDOW menu


3. Again, refer to the FT Text Orientation Reference sheet.

Notice the OPENER at the BOTTOM is the only one that

is right side up. Notice that the two questions and corresponding

answers at the top also have text that is right side up.


4. Use the AREA TYPE TOOL to convert the BOTTOM OPENER

shape into a text area (you will see the red stroke disappear.

If the wrong shape got converted into a text area, undo

and try again


5. PASTE in the TEXT that you COPIED from your



6. Format your opener TEXT with a suitable FONT and PT SIZE.

Use the PARAGRAPH panel to CENTER ALIGN it. Use the

RETURN KEY to MOVE the opener text so that it is centered in

the square with an even border of space around it

5. Rotate Drawing 90 Degrees

1. Use the BLACK SELECTION tool to SELECT the Fortune Teller.

(See 1 Left)



(See 2 Left)


3. Enter 90 DEGREES and click OK

(See 3 Left)

6. Copy, Paste, and Format Text for Next 5

1. Review which of the shapes will need right side up text

(See 1 -5 Left)


2. Use the AREA TYPE TOOL again to convert shapes

into text areas.


3. PASTE copied TEXT from your FT PLANNING word doc.


4. Format all Openers the same.


5. Format all Questions the same


6. Format all answers the same

7. Repeat Until All Shapes Have Text

1. Review steps above if needed

6. Assessment

7.  Extension


Notebook DNR 5/25


How many times

will you need to

rotate your

Fortune Teller

as you

enter your text?

Notebook DNR 5/26


How can you make

your Fortune Teller

look more


You can you make your

Fortune Teller look

more professional by


formatting text consistently

and by

creating even borders of space

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning