
Surreal Expression 1            Inspiration and Planning

1.  Project Goals


2. Lesson Goals


understand that expressions and idioms

often communicate two different meanings;

one that is LITERAL and one that is INTENDED.

3. Create MS Word Planning Document

1. Create a Word document named "Expression Text" 

followed by your last name and then your first name

Example: Expression Text Hooker Martina


2. Type in the following heading:

• Surreal Expression Text

• Your name


3. Find an expression that would be fun to illustrate LITERALLY

Check out these links: EXPRESSIONS

Or do some Google searches on your own.

Include in your search: "idioms", "phrases", "expressions",

"sayings", "translated into english"

4. Type in Required Text

For English language expressions, include the following

information as shown in example below

Expression: It's raining cats and dogs

Meaning: It's raining heavily


For foreign language expressions, include the following

information as shown in example below

French Expression: Poule mouillée

Direct Translation: Wet chicken

Meaning: Coward


For foreign language expressions that use different characters,

include the following information as shown in example below

Chinese Expression: 树倒猢狲散 (pinyin: shù dǎo hú sūn sàn):

Direct Translation: When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.

Meaning: When a leader loses power, his followers become disorganized.

6. Assessment

6. Submit

1. Save your work before you hand it in!

2. Click on the Submit Folder Link for your class below

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Period 5

Period 7

6. Extension

1. Work on a second expression

Goes through one ear and out the other
He who sleeps does not get the fish

Do Now 

Which expression is illustrated literally?

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning