
Tessellation 5..............Tessellation Explorations

Lesson Goals

1...learn about 3 types of tessellations:

Translations, Reflections, & Rotations

2...create 3 different shapes that tessellate

3...layout their shapes in patterns to see

how they tessellate

4...use strategies for making tessellating

shapes of recognizable images

2. Tessellation Ideas

3. Tessellation Explorations

Complete 3 or more Tessellation Explorations

Tessellations Step-By-Step

4. Tessellation Exploration 1:

Create a Shape

Follow the instructions on the

Step-By-Step Tessellation Worksheet

to create a shape that tessellates.

Don't worry about trying to make it look like anything

Lay it Out

Follow the instructions on the

Step-By-Step Tessellation Worksheet

to repeat your shape 9 times on a piece of paper

Label Your Work

Label your paper with

your name, period, and "Tessellation Exploration 1"

5. Tessellation Explorations 2 & 3:

Create a Shape

Follow the instructions on the

Tessellations Step-By-Step

to create a shape that tessellates.

As you complete it, think about what

kinds of outlines might help you define

a specific object (bird/fish/mask/reptile/person/monster)

Lay it Out

Follow the instructions on the

Step-By-Step Tessellation Worksheet

to repeat your shape 9 times on a piece of paper

Label Your Work

Label your paper with

your name, period, and

"Tessellation Exploration 2" & "Tessellation Exploration 3"






1.6 Pts.....3 shapes that tesselate perfectly were created


1.6 Pts.....3 layouts of 9 repeated shapes each were created


1.6 Pts.....3 layouts were carefully and neatly done as outlined

in handout provided


1.6 Pts.....3 shapes show exploration - they're different from each other!


1.6 Pts.....2 shapes show effort to create a recognizable object and the

................layouts are labeled with the object in mind


DNR (2/23)

What inspired MC Escher

to create tessellations?

What are three kinds (2/24)

of Tessellations?

DNR (2/25)

What is the most difficult part of

the 3 Tessellation Explorations

grading criteria?

In class yesterday we talked

about motif ideas for tessellations.

What is a Motif

or what do you think a motif is?

Motif Defined:

a main theme, subject, or design to be

elaborated on or repeated

as in a piece of music, book, art, etc.


Textile Designer:

creates designs for fabrics, wall coverings and

other interior decor items

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning