Surreal Environment 

1. Project Goals (March 31)


•Create an original assignment that visually explores Surreal idea(s) previously reviewed in class.

• Use non-art images

• Maintain Image quality

• Use advanced Photopea skills learned from  previous assignments 

• Tiling• Feathered Edge Blending• Texture Mapping• Clone Stamping Plus• Burn Dodge Sponge

2. Set Up File or Two Details or Room Interior File (March 31)

1. Load Photopea

2. File > New.

3. Follow example below to name your file correctly.

Example: Surreal Env Hooker Martina.psd

4. Enter all of the other settings you see to the left

Vertical Orientation (If desired)


"Surreal Env New File" RUBRIC Below


1. Make a copy of your Two Details or Room Interior File by OPTION DRAGGING the closed file in a FINDER WINDOW.

2. Follow example below to name your copied file correctly.

Example: Surreal Env Hooker Martina.psd



"Surreal Env Old File" RUBRIC Below

3. Creating an Originals Environment: (April 5)

4. Reflect on What Images you Need for Your Project: (April 4)

Surreal Environment Planning Sketch by Alex Chen

1, Refer to your Surreal Environment Planning Sketch if needed.

2. REVIEW Surreal Ideas if needed 

Surreal Environment Planning Assignment 

(Sections 3 & 4)

3. A minimum of (#) heavily edited image layers are required for this project (amount required to be determined soon)

5. Choosing Good "Non-Art" Internet Images: (March 31)

Pixel Dimension: 1151 x 1278

• Large Pixel Dimension

• The ENTIRE cat is visible

• The cat is a plain PHOTOGRAPH that is NOT STYLED

In other words, very little creativity was used to create this cat image which leaves all the creativity up to you to do in Photopea

Don't Use....

6. Screenshot of Two Details File - Only For Some Students (April 6)

7. Review How Color Can Create Contrast (April 8)

8. Use Non-Destructive Adjustment Layers to Change Color / Value (April 8)

(See 1)
  1. Click on the Adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the layers panel. 
(See 2)
(See 3)

4.  Take note of the ADJUSTMENT LAYER you just created in the LAYERS PANEL 

(See 1)

5. In the PROPERTIES PANEL click on the COLORIZE box.   Take note of how it effects all the layers that are below it

(See 2)

6.  Adjust the HUE SLIDER to change the COLOR . You can adjust the SATURATION slider to change the INTENSITY of the color and the LIGHTNESS SLIDER to change the VALUE (Dark / Light)

(See 3)

7Make sure the adjustment layer is highlighted

(See 1)

8Apply a Clipping Mask to it

Layers > Clipping Mask

9. Observe the little ARROW on the adjustment layer

(See 1)

10. Notice that the adjustment layer now only effects the one layer below it instead of all the layers below it

9. Include at least 1 Advanced Layer Edit: Texture Mapping or Feathered Edge Blending (April 11)

1. Review assignment instructions as needed

Texture Mapping

Surreal Creature Feathering 

Be sure NOT include work that you ALREADY did; create something NEW for this assignment

Complete Peer Review, Reflection, & Self-Grading 

Include a 

Peer Review

Include a Reflection & Self-Grading

Use the private comment's section for the Peer Review.

Rubric (Final Updated April 12)


5 points ---FILE SET UP: Name, print size and resolution are correct

10 points ---SCREEN SHOT: Screen shot of original Room Interior / 2 Details file is included

10 points ---IMAGE QUALITY & NO ART IMAGES: Images were clearly not scaled up and image quality was maintained. All image used are edited plain photographic images

40 points ---10 CUT OUT IMAGES:   A minimum of 10 cut out images were included.  The objects were CUT out NEATLY.  The PROPORTIONS of the objects were MAINTAINED.

10 points ---ADJUSTMENT LAYERS w CLIPPING MASKS: There are at least two effective adjustment layers with clipping masks


5 points ---PEER REVIEW: There is a PEER REVIEW in the PRIVATE COMMENTS section that includes one COMPLIMENT and one SUGGESTION based on this RUBRIC

5 points --- REFLECTION & SELF-GRADING: A private comment with reflection and self-grading is included

5 points --- TIMELY COMPLETION: The assignment is completed no later than a week past the due date


10 points --- FILE SET UP: Name, print size and resolution are correct

15 points --- ORIGINAL ENVIRONMENT: The environment is created out of 2 or more images.

10 points ---IMAGE QUALITY & NO ART IMAGES: Images were clearly not scaled up and image quality was maintained. All image used are edited plain photographic images.

30 points ---8 CUT OUT IMAGES: A minimum of 8 cut out images were included.  The objects were CUT out NEATLY.  The PROPORTIONS of the objects were MAINTAINED.

10 points ---ADJUSTMENT LAYERS w CLIPPING MASKS: There are at least two effective adjustment layers with clipping masks


5 points ---PEER REVIEW: There is a PEER REVIEW in the PRIVATE COMMENTS section that includes one COMPLIMENT and one SUGGESTION based on this RUBRIC

5 points --- REFLECTION & SELF-GRADING: A private comment with reflection and self-grading is included

5 points --- TIMELY COMPLETION: The assignment is completed no later than a week past the due date

Extra Credit

Writing Extension

1. Create a word doc and name it "Surreal Writing (Last name first name)"

2. Google and find a  painting by Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, or Frida Kahlo.  

3. Include the name, date of painting, and copy and paste the painting onto the document.  

4. Write one short paragraph about what you see in the painting; describe what's in it, placement, colors, etc.

5. Write a second short paragraph with your interpretation of the painting.  What does it mean to you?  What do you think the artist is trying to express?

6. Write a third short paragraph with research findings about the painting.  Include your source(s)

7. Upload it to the drive for extra credit :)

Salvador Dali, Sleep, 1937, Oil on Canvas

The adjective surreal comes from Surrealism, a movement that produced art that often contained irrational, disjointed images.

So, surreal describes something that's a bizarre mix of elements, often jarring and seemingly nonsensical.

Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte were two famous surrealists.  Surrealism started in Europe in 1917 and remains a strong influence to this day.

NYC Visual Arts Benchmarks

• Art Making

• Developing Art Literacy

• Making Connections Through Visual Arts

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning

Differentiation / Lesson Extension

...Students with different abilities can seek assistance from teacher, paraprofessional, or another student

...The students who finish early can ask a classmate if they need help or review


• Developing Art Literacy

• Community and Cultural Resources

• Exploring Careers and Lifelong Learning