PSA Poster Rubric



S. SCORE                  T. SCORE                 COMMENTS

10 points --- PLANNING: Analyzation, Planning, & Sketches thoroughly done

05 points --- FILE NAME: "PSA Poster" followed by a space then last name then first name and finally the ".ai" file extension

10 points --- POINT & AREA TYPE: The Headline is in POINT TYPE and the Paragraphs are in AREA TYPE.  The paragraph text is broken up into columns or separate text frames.

10 points --- GUIDES: Guides carefully were used to show print area, the vertical center, and guides for lining up text and graphics.  There are at least 5 horizontal guides including those at the top and the bottom

10 points --- DRAWING & COLOR CHOICE: Drawings are created from plain photographic images, are detailed and carefully done with no awkward cut off edges.  Circles are drawn with ellipse tool and shapes are not filled with the paint brush. There is one drawing or a main drawing with additional drawings deemphasized with color/size.  Drawings and color choice support the message of the poster 100%.

10 points --- CUSTOM GRADIENT: An original custom gradient was created, it does not go beyond the printable area guides, and doesn't have a stroke

10 points --- TEXT FORMATTING:  Text formatting shows thoughtful choice of font (no Myriad/Myriad Pro), Pt Size is no smaller than 14 pt.  The headline is large and attention grabbing. Text is easy to read. Uppercase or Title case was used for Headline and Subheads. Only one Display font was used.  All or some of the text color has been changed from the default black. Small text has stroke set to none.

05 points --- SMALL DETAILS:  No broken words in Headline or Subheads, No orphans, Consistent use of stroke and gradients in drawings, No hidden text. No multiple exclamation points. Conventional rules for punctuation marks applied.  No periods at the end of Headlines and Subheads.

10 points --- COMPOSITION:  The text and graphic elements fill the poster in an even way

10 points --- ALIGNMENT and SPACING:  Paragraphs are aligned in a consistent way. There are borders of space around text and graphics. Space bar wan't used to move text.

10 points --- REPETITION:  Color scheme is limited to 2-4 colors, number of fonts is limited to 2-3, Pt Size is the same for all paragraph text and respectively for Subhead text. Case formatting is consistent, amount of space is repeated, multiple drawings look consistent

10 points --- CREDIT & TITLE and NAME TEXT:  Credit line of text correctly added.  Title and Name Line of text correctly added


10 points --- PLANNING • Magazine Analyzation and Planning thoroughly completed • Typed Text document completed in a timely fashion

10 points --- FILE SET UP • The PSD file is set up correctly (Name, Image Size, Resolution Etc)

10 points --- MASTHEAD •  Font choice is appropriate (no Myriad Pro) • Masthead takes up space horizontally and visually stands apart from other text •  Point Type was used and text is aligned with paragraph alignment, not spaces

10 points --- COVER ART • Choice of image shows planned strategy (negative space or other) for easy to read cover teasers and teaser subheads • Cover Art includes a singular dominant well chosen image (no clip art).

10 points --- TYPE LAYERS  • Paragraph Type was used and text is aligned with paragraph alignment, not spaces • Spelling and punctuation are perfect.  

20 points --- FONT FORMATTING  • Font choice is appropriate (no Myriad Pro) and no more than ONE DECORATIVE font • Formatting and positioning looks well thought out and consistent. • There are no more than 3 different kinds of fonts • The text is easy to read • The text doesn't looked cramped or distorted • Use of CASE is consistent • Format teasers so that they stand out more then subheads. • COMPLETE WORDS; NONE OF THE WORDS ARE BROKEN UP

10 points --- GUIDES & ALIGNMENT  • There are at least 4 carefully positioned guides to indicate  margins • Text and images are aligned

10 points --- COLOR SCHEME • A simple color scheme was chosen.  • . The color scheme is appropriate for the magazine purpose and target audience.

10 points --- CANVAS BORDER & TITLE & NAME TEXT •  

10 points --- THREE FILES were SUBMITTED •  PSD file with layers for grading • Flattened JPEG for Printing • GIF file for Student Art Page