Building House/Beasts, wine and table

Building House/Beasts, wine and table

Beasts, wine and table

She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table. (Pro.9:2)

Building house

Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars: (Pro.9:1)

A house has to be founded on the rock and not on the sand. The teachings of Jesus on the Mount should serve as the foundation of our spiritual life. Seven pillars are to be raised from this foundation. They are righteousness, justice, holiness, humility, love, obedience and perseverance. Seven shows perfection. If a child of God follows these seven traits, he or she becomes perfect.

The wisdom in you has to eliminate the beasts in your life. The beasts are ego, anger, dominating attitude, boastful attitude and accusing attitude. Everyone of us has spiritual wine that is being extracted by the Holy Spirit through our life. It is unique and different from the wines of other believers. We have to mingle it with the wines of other believers so that we can have a wonderful wine. This is called fellowship in the Word.

The wisdom in you is unique and is different from the wisdom in other believers. This wisdom produces a unique wine in your spiritual life which has to be shared with the other believers. It has to be shared on a table around which all of us have to be seated. The mixed wine is placed in a bottle on the table. Today, this is not done. Only the pastors or the evangelists give their wines to us in their own bottles. There is no round table to be placed there.