Sin of greediness like horseleach

Sin of greediness like horseleach

The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough:

The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough. (Proverbs 30:15-16)

The horseleach is an insatiable creature, sucking blood till it be ready to burst.. It has two forks into which her tongue is divided, and wherewith she sucks. The following things, which resemble the horseleech in their insatiableness. The insatiable appetite of this creature is represented by two words which are personified as daughters, whom the mother has produced.

There are wicked people with a high degree of greediness which cannot be measured in terms of ordinary human beings who are greedy. They are likened to the grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire. The grave is a place of death. Hope is lost in the grave. The barren womb is despised by people. Earth devoid of water is arid and useless. The fire that says not, It is enough. The greediness of unquantified measure tells, grows from a scale of three to a scale of four. On the scale of three, it shows "not satisfied". But on the scale of four, it shows say not "it is enough".

Greediness is the worst sin which has to be nipped in its bud. Our children need to be taught not to grow this character in their tender hearts. This sin sucks their life like the horseleach with its two forks. Adam and Eve fell into the sin because of their greediness to eat the forbidden fruit.

Do not allow this sin to grow in your heart! The first sign is that you would say, I am not satisfied crying "give, give". The second sign is that your heart would never say, "it is enough".

This is applicable to those servants of God who say, first "Give, give" and then "not enough".

Next.....Disrespecting and disobeying parents