Standing surety for strangers

Standing surety for strangers

He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure (Pro.11:15).

You should not stand surety for a stranger who you do not know personally. In this world, you have to be wise as serpent but harmless as a dove (Matt.10:16). There are deceivers who cheat banks but prod you to be their guarantors. A stranger is not only a person who is not known to you personally but also a person who is very cunning so as to trap you in an unethical financial deal. Be safe by disassociating with suretiship.There are indeed many ministers of God who take loans from banks by taking surety from their church congregation members or their financial supporters. God does not want us to take loans which we are not able to repay. If there is a formality of associating some one as a surety, one has to be careful enough that there is no default in payment of installments. Take a bank loan which you can easily repay. Nowadays, servants of God attempt to take huge loans from banks for constructing buildings which are not in accordance with the perfect will of God. They think that they have to believe God and to attempt great things. It is sheer foolishness that they trust the Mammon of righteousness more than God. An evangelist was constructing a House of God for nearly three decades at a huge cost expecting the people of God to help accomplish his vision.

Next.....Gracious woman and strong men