The proud and the widow

The proud and the widow

The Lord will destroy the house of the proud: but he will establish the border of the widow (Proverbs 15:25).

It is quite disheartening to note that the Lord would destroy the house of the proud. Even if the proud people happen to be His chosen children also, the Lord would destroy their houses. Today, many of us, especially those in God's ministry are arrogant. The Lord does not make any distinction between the saved and the unsaved here.

God takes care of widows and establish their homes. Believing widows will never be forsaken by God. Widows of men who died in Christ Jesus are taken care of by the Lord Himself. They will never beg for alms even if they have been forsaken by sons or daughters. Even if they live in old age homes, God is there to look after them. In the Pilgrim's Progress, Christiana after the death of her husband Christian begun to follow the footsteps of her husband for going to the Celestial City. God took care of her and her children at every stage, providing for their food and lodging, securing them from the hands of Appollyon, giants, etc. God met all their physical and spiritual needs.

Next.....Thoughts of the wicked