Knowledge and Reproof

Knowledge and Reproof

Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish (Pro.12:1).

Instructions are moral as provided in the Scriptures. God has written His law on the hearts of His people. Even an atheist or an unbeliever who does not know the Scriptures cannot claim ignorance of God's law. "When Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law" (Rom.2:14). One who loves such instructions obey the same willingly. There are many believers who do not love such instructions but obey the same under compulsion as if they are under the Law. If an unbeliever loves such instructions in the Bible and obeys the same, he or she gets saved. He or she who loves divine instructions does love knowledge of God. A child who loves instructions of his parents does love knowledge of his parents. In other words, the child gets knowledge of his parents because of the instructions given by the parents and then delights in such knowledge.He or she who hates reproof is brutish or stupid. Nowadays, nobody wants reproof for correction. We covet praises but not reproof. Reproof may come from any source but we should accept it gracefully. If we hate reproof, we become brutish in the sight of God.

Next....A good and righteous man versus a wicked man