Fruit of the righteous and their reward in earth

Fruit of the righteous and their reward in earth

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. (Pro.11:30)

The day to day life that we live produces a tree of life in this world. It is the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy. (Rev.19:10). We cannot win souls for Christ merely by our mere preaching. Those who win souls are wise indeed. They are wise to speak right words, to do right acts. Their outward acts emanate from their own righteous lives which are not seen from outside.

The trees of life planted by apostle Paul, Martin Luther, CH Spurgeon, John Wesley, Sadhu Sundar Singh, martyrs of Fox, etc are still producing fruits in this world. They were wise in winning souls not only through their messages but also through their holy lives. Even today, their writings bring many sinners to repentance, faith and holiness to God and heaven.

You have to plant a tree of life and leave it in this world before your departure for the Celestial City.

Next....Reward for righteousness on earth