Gracious woman and strong men

Gracious woman and strong men

A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches (Pro.11:16).

Honor or integrity of a woman is precious. She has to preserve it at any cost. It is not her chastity alone but also integrity.

Strong men retain riches. Men who are known for their honest or integrity protect the resources of their organizations for whom they work. They also protect their personal money from squandering. Riches earned by sweat and blood are to be preserved at any cost. Strong men retain such riches. Strongly built men secure their treasures from burglars. We need men of integrity to take care of such riches. Judas was not a man of integrity to preserve the money in the treasury of Jesus.Jesus said."... it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Matt.19:24). If a rich man cannot enter the heaven, why should men retain riches? The young man who wanted to follow Jesus set his heart on his wealth.Money earned in an illegal and unrighteous manner and money that becomes idol in our heart are not counted as riches to be retained. Assets acquired through such illegal and unrighteous means are a curse.

Next.....Merciful and wicked men