Seeking wisdom early

Seeking Wisdom Early

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. (Pro.8:17)

The Lord loves them that love Him. Those who seek Him early shall find Him. We need wisdom to interpret the Word and to discern the falsehood. We have to seek wisdom early giving all the top priority to it. It is not only the early morning for devotion but also before the devil can strike your heart or the heart of the Body of Christ with a pernicious doctrine. Normally, we use this verse to say that when we spend the early morning hours, we do find Him. This does not mean that those who pray during night time or any other time do not find Him. When you discover the lie of the devil, you should be the first person to nail it in the Christian world so that others may escape the deception that comes through the doctrine of the devil. The earlier you nail the lie and spread the truth, the better you can succeed in stopping the devil from spreading the lie all over the world and you will find Him, the Spirit of the truth. It is the early attack against the enemy that gives you the revelation of the Spirit of the truth. Today the devil through the spirit of the Antichrist has spread the pernicious doctrines twisting the Scriptures all over the world because you have chosen to be a silent spectator and to cease to be the Lord’s warrior. You will find the Lord in His entire Personality the moment you contend for the truth fighting against the devil. When you do not fight the Lord’s battle, you cannot get His revelation. It is in the battlefield you will find the Lord. The earlier you fight His battle, the better will be His revelation to you.

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