Light of the eyes and good report

Light of the eyes and good report

The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat (Proverbs 15:30).

Our spiritual eyes should be full of the light of Jesus Christ. This light only rejoices our heart. The children of the world do not get joy under adverse circumstances but the children of the light rejoices even under adverse or negative circumstances because they abide in Christ and Christ abides in them.

We, the children of the light, should always give a good report. Even if we have to convey a bad but truthful report, our report should contain a word of encouragement and should not create any fear in the heart of recipients of reports. When we have to convey a report about the death of some one, we have to use such words like home call, entering glory, etc, in place of demise or death. Even if someone has failed in an examination, when we send a report to others, we have to speak the truth but should convey a good report stating that though X could not clear the examination, X would definitely clear it in the next attempt. Even if we see a lion in the forest, we can convey a message that this lion cannot harm us.

Christian newsreporters are different from the newsreporters in the world. While conveying a truthful report, we should always give a word of hope or encouragement.

Next...Reproof of life